If I had a nickel for every time a rival of the mc/fl turned out to be gay for the fl/mc, I would have two nickels, it’s funny it’s happened twice.
My only gripe is that Airi was depicted as a rude girl at the start, I’m glad she’s changed but goddamnit why can’t doomed Yuri just have the Yuri part and not the doomed

How crazy is it that shanks can eat the rat allegations now lmfao, I betcha Shamrock be talking mad shit about his brother Shanks to the Gorosei.
This reveal gave me mad chills, Oda so fr for this. Toei might’ve fucked up with Garlings hair but I suppose we can chalk it up to the twins inheriting their mums hair.
I definitely think luffy and Shamrock will have a fight in one of the upcoming chapters, if not there will definitely be some talking with fists.

Right??? I havent seen his anime cos i stopped watching egghead, but i distinctly read someone said that garling has red-ish hair, that ties him to shanks as they are the only red head in OP. BUT what if the mom is the red head, and she garling escaped during gods valley, cos abused or smth, thats why she placed baby shanks in jolly roger

Yknow honestly I’ve been so bored and downright sick of the weak smaller than thou uke’s that are super popular so I was worried this would be similar but honestly the uke ain’t even bad, pretty looking since that’s a popular trope but so far uke isn’t the same kind of weak crybaby with no personality that most ukes seem to be

Honestly Oda is so right for making elbaf so cool looking, it seems possible that Loki could become an antagonist but I still hold out hope for the older theories that Loki and Usopp would become partners, similar to how many other giants we’ve seen had a partner. I’m so excited!!! Oda needs to come back soon, two weeks feels like forever!

I can’t be the only one thinking about it, what if all the islands are only the tips of large mountains and terrains, think of the continents that were sunk under 200 meters of water. We already saw it partially with Wano.
What if it was all reversed, that would be so great for the world of one piece, of course you’ve gotta think about where all that water would go but where did it even come from in the first place.
Scopper Gaban was finally revealedddddddd so cooollllll
what ? was he mentioned previously?
pretty sure he was referred to as rogers left hand in the older chapters and people connected the parallels of rogers crew to luffys crew.
yes I remember it now thanks