Tbh I’m mixed the comic. Sun and Yoon are suuuper hot I was really into it at the beginning. But as soon as the ex showed up I Sort of lost interest. And that bdsm dungeon date at ch 29 sealed the deal. Something about that scene maybe it was the tone just made me uncomfortable, cause he was begging her to stop the whole time and was serious I think that’s why. And the break up to even when they got back together something just didn’t feel right to me. But that’s how I feel.
The art is amazing though, Well done to the authors. I wish we got more content of them together cause as soon as they got together the comic ended. (=・ω・=)
I was hoping it would end at the graduation, with Jooin accepting his mistakes and moving forward more healthier. Seems they setting up him and Yawhi now. Bruh
Ngl. As much flack as this story gets. I think it’s not that bad. It’s turned around. Though there are frustrating moments.
I don’t even know what to think anymore. This dog thing. I know it was obvious but I was hoping for a better back story or something idk. Welp. At least the art is amazing
I thought this was a cute manga but damn. Reading these latest chapters is hard. It makes me wish I could run in and save Yeonwoo from these digusting pigs