fuck i hate this slimy freak… dajeong come with me i’ll save you
sorry i CANNOT believe everyone is so shocked that doyeon actually likes kang? i thought it was really obvious??? he never seemed particularly serious about yiyoung LMFAO i had no idea this was meant to be a plot twist until i checked the comments…
the way literally everyone treats hyesung like an object is driving me insane. he’s not a pet he’s a grown man! break up with him babe and be mine instead i will save you hyesung …
i love them so much i need to die right now. they are each other’s home
i have been REALLY enjoying tak and sanho lately which makes it even more disappointing how they started out you can see them both growing and changing as they get closer to each other, but every time i think back to the start of their side story i just get pissed off again because i can’t believe tak was like that. he made me so mad back then it’s shocking how much i like him now… it’s like author finally got sick of writing insufferable freaks and decided to let tak do a full 180° and become a genuinely likable and relatable person. i didn’t even think it was possible. if i told myself last year when i first read this series that tak would transform from someone i want to slaughter violently into one of my favorite character types (rude yet dedicated autistic), i’d think i must’ve gotten brain damage and lost my sense of judgement. and yet…
i’m really gonna do it this time. i can’t go on any longer
the way eunyung talks about these things in a way that makes him seem especially evil when all of it is just normal human emotion… the idea that he is Bad is so ingrained in his mind that he naturally presents his feelings as sadistic when they Just Aren’t. i’m never gonna be happy ever again
wanan is ACTUALLY trying to kill us doing this in the final arc are you kidding
NEED some recs for yaoi with a similar dynamic to this. like, both characters clearly adults, relatively mature. i always love when neither of them are obviously smaller or less mature than the other… this series really does it for me. if anyone knows of some other series like that… hmu……
eunyung’s feelings of guilt and shame when his parents are called out for their violence… the way a victim of abuse can often feel as though they’re at fault, even when completely innocent (a child), knowing that there was a time when their parents treated them kindly. after being abused for so long it can seriously mess with your brain and skew your sense of judgment and perspective of reality—even if those moments of joy were mere droplets in the middle of a sea of physical and emotional torture, it’s horrifying to think that maybe you were simply overreacting. maybe it wasn’t bad, because even if it was excruciatingly painful, there were still a few times you felt okay. the signs of abuse are clear as day, and while eunyung knows better than anyone that he’s a victim of abuse, years upon years of being broken down and chipped away at created a sense of uncertainty in everything he does. subconsciously, he became unable to truly believe anything he thought, because for years he was conditioned to believe that his thoughts had no value. he’s so fragile that even if he acts rash and scrambles to prove to others that he’s worthy—of fear, respect, love—not even he can trust himself. all of those actions become empty because underneath his veil of confidence and self-righteousness, he has nothing. he has no faith in himself. it was taken away from him
worst cliffhanger of the century i need to know how they’ll react… immediately… i’ll pass away