I'm glad that Wonho and Minki are not together anymore. Wonho wanted more than Minki to be an actor and success, but his greed was big enough to cheat on his boyfriend. Minki loved him and forgave him a lot of times already. You shouldn't be shocked at how he forgot about Wonho easily after being with Taeyoung. He has the right to not care about Wonho. He needs to respect himself tbh, he's not a toy, he was played enough.
Wonho was ready to sacrifice his relationship to become more successful, which is pathetic really. There's no excuse.
But again, I hope he decides to play fair to be known in the industry.
I want to say that I'm unhappy about Aerak ending with this blonde guy because in the end he doesn't know that Aerak was the fat guy he humiliated years ago and he only loves him because he is beautiful #-.-) BUT Aerak fell in love with him because of his beauty too ! SO on this aspect they suit each other ! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Aerak reacted the same way when the red haired guy confessed his love, even if he loved him wholeheartedly he was very mean ( ̄∇ ̄")
"Mangago's degenerated readers" are thankful and hope you can translate quickly for us as always
Omg!! HAHAHA your comment is gold aahahsb