GiGi April 10, 2021 12:16 pm

I swear recently my notifications have been all over the place. I used to get my notifs every morning at either 5 or 6 but now I get them randomly, multiple times a day and I'm not here for it. 7:15 and I still haven't gotten it.

    Hua cheng April 10, 2021 12:26 pm

    Yeah same to me too, I think there really is some bugs and problems being fix in this site so we should still be grateful that sometimes we get notified about the updates on new chapters. We need to patiently wait for them to fix it because this is just a free manga site so yeah.

GiGi February 14, 2021 2:18 pm

Guys am I the only one who hasn't gotten my manga updates for the day? But then I look and one of them actually updated so idk why I don't have any. Helpp

GiGi August 19, 2020 2:42 pm

Hi, so I lost a manga that I was reading a while back. It's about an old knight from the past who gets teleported to future. There's a curse and all that jazz. Pls help :(

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