oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-23 15:06 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-23 15:04 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-23 14:51 marked

I came out as non-bianary to my step-mom and my mom my mom told me "No." Then I had asked my mom if i could get a binder for Christmas instead of some boots and she told me "god made you a girl, not a boy." We had a fight and since my mom doesn't even have my custody I cut her out of my life When I came out as Bisexual she told me I needed to "pick......

2021-01-22 15:42 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-05 12:03 marked

once our pe teacher said that lgbtq+ is a propaganda that 'west' is forcing to us, my dad said 'they're disgusting' , my mom said 'they deserve to be discriminated' and when i first realized i was bi i recklessly told a friend about it. she said that it was just a phase and i was back in closet lol. even tho i have supportive friends rn i can't com......

2021-01-05 11:52 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-05 11:31 marked

It's perfectly normal to masturbate. Though, this might be an addiction. Blood will only come out if you aren't lubricated enough. It won't cause any permanent stretching. I'm pretty sure there won't be any side effects if you do it that much. I think you're okay, might wanna check if it's become an addiction.

2021-01-03 15:46 marked

long story short i got caught and the "deny deny deny" didnt work further for the 3rd time soooo i had to sit down w my family while they whipped out a bible in front of me saying that god only made man and woman and almost got slapped when i told them "yea but they never said it was only adam and eve. adam and steve and madam and eve works too" i......

2021-01-03 12:28 marked

“You will never be a male you were born as a female you’re going to die one” It hurt me so bad that I stuck with Agender and stopped saying I was a trans male. It’s been years and it still hurts.

2021-01-03 12:28 marked

Guy in my class called me a faggot. Teacher was next to us but didn´t hear anything. But I just stared at her in shock at what he said and she stared back at me. (Note: No one at my table said anything to help me, they just sat there in shock). After, she pulled me out of class, asking if I was okay because I seemed dead. I responded that I was ok......

2021-01-03 12:27 marked

Theres more than one that really hurt but they're all from my family cuz I live in a homophobic religious household so here's a few 1. This one time I was watching a crime show and there was a gay couple in the story (they just simply existed it's not like it was porn or sth) they were just trying to start a business and shit anyways when my brot......

2021-01-03 12:26 marked

Probably the one time I asked my father jokingly how he would react if I got together with a girl, I knew that he was very homophobic like nearly everyone in my fam, but I didn't expect much cuz it was a joke, right? Nah, my father completely changed his tone and went on an agressiv rant how such a thing is disgusting and how god didn't intend such......

2021-01-03 12:15 marked

It's not the worst thing that's been thrown in my face, but it's stuck with me the most. I was told that I didn't have the right to exist by *other* people in the lgbtq+ community... because I'm asexual. I'm *not* straight, but as soon as I feel I can trust another person in the community and tell them I'm asexual, well, I've come to regret it more......

2021-01-03 12:13 marked

Ughh I'm gay and luckily I have wonderful parents and brother that accept me, but it doesn't mean that I haven't heard some really terrible stuff. When I was deep in the closet, I talked about the LGBT with one of my cousins. I have to add that when we both were children, we were very VERY close. So when I touched this subject, he just, without any......

2021-01-03 12:10 marked

I'm straight, but I have a lot of friends who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. I sincerely hope all of you struggling because of your sexuality or gender identity overcome it and that everything gets better for all of you. Nobody deserves to be treated this badly because of who they love-I probably won't ever be able to understand how much you s......

2021-01-03 12:08 marked

Haha I wasn't bullied because I never told I'm anything other than straight. I won't since my family hates LGBTQ and my country is super Catholic. On a daily basis I hear insults and slurs targeted towards LGBTQ community. There are even flyers in my school that are made by some stupid group of students that are meant to Insult LGBTQ. My father (a ......

2021-01-03 12:06 marked

I'm still hurt by this vague memory I have. Hell, I've even questioned whether it's real or not hoping it'll go away. I remember being tiny, probably around five years old, but maybe it's just how the whole thing makes me feel. My parents had me and my siblings sitting down at the table. I can't recall the context, just the words "we will love yo......

2021-01-03 12:05 marked

I'm really sorry that has happened to you. No one should face such judgement just for loving unconventionally. Reading your story, I'm really thankful and lucky that I live in a relatively supportive environment. I remember when I came out, my friends were really supportive, my parents still treat me the same way and all's fine and dandy. Those who......

2021-01-03 12:04 marked

i'm a fifteen yo bisexual female, and truthfully i've known since elementary. i would naturally finds girls absolutely stunning, want to marry pretty cartoon girls, and etc. i never found it to be a big deal that i wanted to marry girls and boys. i'm an atheist and my mom isn't all that religious, she believes in god but doesn't believe the bible a......

2021-01-03 11:35 marked

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