So. I stopped reading YEARS ago but I just saw the 4 season was confirmed so I want to keep reading and watch the season 3. Soo, I remember I stopped reading on the chapter Karasumo won the match againsh a school I don't really remember the name *derp*. I remember Tsukishima got some great character development on that match and broke his finger. I'm so sorry that's all I remember.
Ok, so I heard of a huge time skip happening and now I desperate need to catch up with this manga!! Problem is, I dont remember where I stopped reading. I remember it was just at the start of the match between Karasuno and the team of the 'little giant', right after Fukurodani win the last match (agaish the team that had the rude twins).
I think that was roughly 15chs ago. Go 20 back to be safe.
I just found myself after a while, starting from the 330. It was the chap 343, actually! But thanks anyway ^^