No character development for me. He just gave him a scarf and was niCE enoUGh to not murder his sister? Woohoo? Didn't he literally also beat and rape him a couple of chapters back after he was fucking kidnapped?
I know our bar for him is set so low but he can do better. And quite frankly he should do A LOT MORE if he even wants us to believe he deserves our angel.
He is gorgeous sure but I don't like or trust him. He has given us 0 reasons to believe he has changed his evil ways.
Literally and what does Jooin know about Yahwi besides his dick? LITERALLY nothing. Cain is 100% the better choice right now and that's just a fact y'all ain't ready to accept
Literally and what does Jooin know about Yahwi besides his dick? LITERALLY nothing. Cain is 100% the better choice right now and that's just a fact y'all ain't ready to accept Bald Sangwoo
EXACTLY! like he only said he liked so jooin would stay with him, he doesn’t care about him besides sex
Literally and what does Jooin know about Yahwi besides his dick? LITERALLY nothing. Cain is 100% the better choice right now and that's just a fact y'all ain't ready to accept Bald Sangwoo
Why would you want a rapist to end with Jooin Bald Sangwoo
Because he's obviously endgame, and jooin doesn't like cain like that romantically. Cain is just a accompany whos used as a shoulder to cry on but k. you do you i rlly don't care at all
Literally and what does Jooin know about Yahwi besides his dick? LITERALLY nothing. Cain is 100% the better choice right now and that's just a fact y'all ain't ready to accept Bald Sangwoo
Lol who r u to decide what's the better choice for jooin? He isnt dead .. he can choose for himself !
Lol who r u to decide what's the better choice for jooin? He isnt dead .. he can choose for himself ! Mai
Emh because Cain literally didn't treat Jooin like utter trash so obviously NOW he is 100% better. Just because you want something doesn't mean that this something is good for you lmao, i tend to be attracted to things that turn out to be toxic for me, just because i can make a choise for myself doesn't mean it's a good one
Emh because Cain literally didn't treat Jooin like utter trash so obviously NOW he is 100% better. Just because you want something doesn't mean that this something is good for you lmao, i tend to be attracted ... Bald Sangwoo
And what if Yahwi changes are you still gonna say "Jooin don't pick him?"??
YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!! cain is the only "stalker" i'll accpet. Yolo
I don't care what you want, and "whAT yoU waNt" isn't even the topic. And stop acting like you're so fearless. If someone was stalking you at night you'd damn well be weirded out and scared. you don't need to cover it up and act like you're big and strong and nobody can hurt you.
I don't care what you want, and "whAT yoU waNt" isn't even the topic. And stop acting like you're so fearless. If someone was stalking you at night you'd damn well be weirded out and scared. you don't need to c... minty
I don't care what you want, and "whAT yoU waNt" isn't even the topic. And stop acting like you're so fearless. If someone was stalking you at night you'd damn well be weirded out and scared. you don't need to c... minty
woah didnt expect this much people to respond-- anyways im just mad that Cain interrupted an important moment they were having. I think they are both good choices since 1 for cain jooin could fall for him for being kind to him and comforting. 2 which Yahwi Jooin can help and Yahwi would trigger memories for Jooin, these memories would be him and Yahwi together as kids and it can get very emotional. I honestly really do think Yahwi cares for Jooin, he didnt brush him off all the time like the other fangirls. He found him amsuing and mostly always wanted to be with him he just didn't know it.
And what if Yahwi changes are you still gonna say "Jooin don't pick him?"?? minty
they're saying that right now cain seems like the better option but if yahwi reedems himself and gets some goof character development je might actually stand a chance but rn he doesnt