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Last update: 11.12.2024
Hi! Updating my introduction here
at mangago since it's been awhile
since I wrote my past intro
About Me:
What's not changed was my love
of reading. I still read to the point
of eye strain lmao.
I still love reading:
BL, Action, Murim, Isekai, Josei, Shoujo, etc
To be honest my interest always expands
so I can't really pinpoint which are
my fave genres.
However since I started this account
for my love of reading yaoi manga I still
keep my name with YAOI.
Changed from Empress Yaoi to Empire Yaoi
since I don't wanna seem like an Empress
wannabe haha. Tbh I was reading Historical
Manhua when I came up with that name lol.
I wasn't thinking much but since I also read
too much Yaoi I was like yeah I'll just name
my account Empress Yaoi but then this year
I was a bit embarrassed when people keep
calling me Your Majesty and all so I had
to change to Empire Yaoi
I'm sorry I'm shy hahaha I have a hard time
trying to come up with a reply. Still love you
all for appreciating the random name I came
up with.
I think Empire Yaoi is good!
Although I read many other genres
Yaoi was still what started me on making this
mangago account.
About how I started making LISTS:
I started my lists for MYSELF.
As I read so much I was also buried.
Having a big read count might look WOW
however tbh it's really not. I've been trying
to go over my 3 general lists WTR, IR and AR
to try and divide them in more sub categories.
It's hard to look for those I want to re read
since they're stuck somewhere in my 3
general lists and I have to go through
them one by one to find
where they are. Asking questions could only do
much since some are left unanswered.
I have to make a choice for myself and that's
when I start making proper lists.
My list are ever expanding as I go through
my dusty reading lists.
I often go to Mangaupdates or Animeplanet
for tags / categories for my lists SO if you feel
like I COPY your lists NO I DID NOT haha
I used to not bother about making lists as I
jumbled random titles in my An Unforgettable Story Lists.
However since I had trouble finding my
faves, I had no choice but to make my own
lists for easy find and access for re reading.
I'm a total noob when it comes to tags.
I barely used them tbh. I wish I started earlier
but whenever I wanna go through my lists
to put tags, I kind of get overwhelmed
since I have a LOT to look through and I'm too
lazy to do that since I would rather read,
so tagging is still a new zone for me and
I'll stick to my note taking for now
My lists took weeks to make and
put together. If you like them you can
follow so it'll also be easier to find what
you're looking for. They might be on the
newer side since like I said I wasn't a
lister until recently..
More lists to come. As I go through the
other titles. I find that I can't just throw all this
shit in one lists because I have to fit the others
So I had to make a darn Table of Contents
with how much lists I've ended up with
more to come..
About me before Mangago
I've read so many titles and most weren't
really saved on my Already Read because
I was reading from a different site for a few
years before I found Mangago.
I used to read from Yaoi Spectrum and
NOT Exaggerating however I read ALL
the titles that used to be on that website
I went from 0 to Z.
Once I ran out of things to read that's
when I found Mangago and boy I wish
I found it much earlier so I could have
saved all the things I've read.
Another regret was when I found
Mangago I didn't sign up for an account
until much much later. I was a lurker for a
few years until I signed up wish I have
made my lists much earlier since the more
I got buried the harder it is for me to find
old things I wanna re read and book keeping
It's like I'm in a library that's so
messy and there's no categories or labels
on the shelves that tells you what the books
was about so I have to go through the books
one by one.
As I read I would always find something
that would make me re read it many times
but the only title that I could say that I've
re read a LOT more than any other titles
is the BL Manhua To be or Not to be.
The cover might look like the story would
be toxic but it's absolutely not! It's like all
my fave things are put in 1 book.
Transmigration, Isekai, Royalty,
Reverse Isekai, Historical, Angst, etc!
It also has a GL side couple so if you're
into GL I recommend it
https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/to_be_or_not_to_be/MY FAVOURITE LISTS
I can't really come up with a top fave
as I really like so many but I'll try to put
which one I would always find myself
https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/12467/Seriously everytime I read a title from
here I would always crave the food
they eat. I'm lucky to be in a country
with so many people from different
countries so they could deliver whatever
food I want to taste. Be it Korean,
Japanese, Chinese, to Greek,
Italian Cuisine etc!
Korean food has
been my top so far. I'm not into spicy
food but they have a variety of non
spicy food. I'm especially in love with
how they make their fried chicken. Like.
It's amazing and KFC can't compare
https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/2781877/When this trope started it was a bit weird
but the more I read the more I find
it interesting. Then as the more I find it
interesting the more I liked it.
Of course I don't like all of them however
there are stories here that just made me
so touched that it send me crying a river.
I find the authors amazing for having
such vasts imaginations.
I think I was too interested that I ended up
having to make a whole TOC for this though.
https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/2789925/This is my go to when I'm tired of
Romance and want that Bathump
Doki Doki from the excitement of reading
Action and Adventure.
My fave sub category lists are those
of European Ambience, Games, Isekai,
Dungeons and especially the best of my
action packing fave MURIM!
It sucks that some have annoying
romance and characters but I'll try to
put a note on it when I read it I guess.
https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/2818189/I come here for the cute kids! Be it MC
starting from being a baby or MC having
to take care of children. I go here when
I'm tired of the others I'm reading
well to be honest I don't get tired of
them I just need a different feeling so
I come here for cuteness, angst, etc!
https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/2672591/Another go to list! I'm here for the
Idols, Celebrities and the Actors!
I love to see how hard working these
characters are and reading about
dreams coming true just makes me so happy.
Whenever I want to feel the excitement
of competition or whenever I want to be
inspired I come here to read.
It sucks that idol themed webtoons are
very slow on updates however
I could wait for as long as I could to be able
to read them!
https://www.mangago.me/home/people/12004/list/There's a lot that are under construction.
I'm always having to decide if I want to arrange
lists or just keep reading haha. I always find
reading winning so they're taking longer
to finish. Oh well. I'll do what I want
Complete Main Story
Some have sides Ongoing
Ongoing Title(s)
Have some complete that I probably
haven't found yet since there's 6,000+
will put on WANT TO READ once
I found them haha
Title(s) I have already read Completed
Or Ongoing. I usually only put Completed
titles there a few years ago but since I
kept mixing them up and having to re read
so many times I had to make a choice of
putting summary and putting the ones
I've read in there instead of I'm reading.
Wish I have done notes and summary when
I began reading here but I was more focused
on reading however much I could in the past.
Now since I've read so much and most are
ongoing I have no choice but to put notes and
summaries so I can remember what shit it was
Hoping for it to come back soooon