I still don't get what the fuck was going on with Toga. Yeah, if you do criminal things like draining the blood out of people and killing them, you will be taken to jail. Possibly tried in court and get whatever punishment it is that Japan doles out to serial killers. Like ???? what did she think was gonna happen??
Or did she think Ochako was going to kill her? Like no? Not unless you force her to? MMurder is murder after all? And I get that Hawks just went ahead and did it, but that's Hawks, and not Ochako. Dude appears to secretly be an assassin for the Hero Association for taking care of especially troublesome criminals. It isn't the same. But i suppose Toga in the infinite wisdom of a teenager wouldn't know that or know that there's actually something fishy going on.
I saw some comments defending Toga last time, like they understood her point of view and there apparently was no difference between the heroes and criminals. Uh- I don't know about the US, but other countries like freaking JAPAN you can bet your ass there IS. Killing in the name of self defense is a thing. Use of deadly force for when you can't bring the person in any other way, also a thing.
I'm sorry Toga, but it's true. As long as you kill people simply because that's how you express your love, you will never be accepted by the rest of society. Shocking. Totally a thing be realizing and crying about now. After all the murder.┗( T﹏T )┛ (╯╬°Д °)╯╧╧

Translation isn't great, but you can mostly understand what's trying to be conveyed. Story starts out damn strong. Then she's being forced into becoming some jackoffs concubine. Like seriously, this dude isolates her from her friends, get's real easily jealous, and almost kills her. The only one who kind of isn't trash is bodyguard and the "noble" prince. Everyone else is traaaaash. Just ugh-
And of course the guy she's being coerced and forced to marry is stringer then her, so she goes from being bad ass and cunning and fucking awesome and defiant to "Oh he was actually trying to protect me! He's so hot!" <_< fuck that shit! Fortunately she gets away, but still. He's the only one she's gotten a kiss scene with, so i'm guessing he's her endgame. Which sucks cause he's toxic as FUCK. Honestly i hope guy in red kills him. And then dies too cause he appears to be just as garbage. *siiiiigh*

Don't forget about her bitch ass family being fucking leeches and ruining her before she came into Ning's body and even after. Not to mention the fucking emperor giving her no regards to what she wants to do with her life and making decisions for her. And to top it off the second prince being a stalker just like the emperor leader and not giving her basically any privacy aside from inside the rooms with enchantments. The emperor leader probably broke through them and invaded her privacy and I just dont remember. But I agree with you. So far in this story, majority of the people in it are pieces of shit. I'm hoping they change for the better in the future but who knows. It's dead set based from historical cultures within Asian lands.

Honestly I really liked this until then when she became that dudes concubine. He pisses me off so much and forced her to do all those things like kiss him nd could easily force himself on her if she did something he didnt like. I hope his balls fall off AND PLUS SHE IS LIKE 13??! all these dudes r trash

So where was the rape tag? Usually with stories like this it's in the top tags. Can we not develope a tag or genere? Usually I look at to most used tags to see, but it wasn't there.
So, for anyone like me, who doesn't enjoy rape stories here is your warning. RAPE AHEAD. RAPE. THIS STORY CONTAINS RAPE.
I tried looking through the comments but didn't see anyone talking about rape, so i went ahead and read some of the story. I saw it wasn't heading in a good direction but I still hoped. My hopes were dashed though, so yeah.

I don't think that anyone who actually likes the story will write the tags RAPE, unless they are just tagging the stuff they feel like they have never seen before. But usually people who don't tag rape are those like me who have read and or are fine with rape in yaoi. Other than that i don't think someone who doesn't like this and has an account will rate it 1 star just to put the tag rape in it. If they rate it 1 star they'll get notifications and that's why im sure there's no rape tags.

I’m reading and following this story but I agree that this should have a rape tag. Heck, maybe rape should be a whole ass genre at this point, something that’s clearly written so that people are aware. It’s not hard to be mindful of people who might be triggered by rape even in a fictional setting, this doesn’t even have to be rated one star to tag it rape. At the end of the day, these kinds of plots can bring up unpleasant memories for a lot of people. Even if someone hasn’t experienced it themselves, rape is a real issue at the end of the day and it can happen to any one of us. So I understand why someone would be upset that there’s no warning.

Oh I understand people who don't want the notifications not tagging. But people have rape kinks yes? So why wouldn't they tag? Like it's fine to like it, if that's your thing. I'm not going to judge. Personally I just dislike rape, and don't understand it myself, and thus try to avoid it when reading yaoi.
Which is why I wish there was a tag for it, i mean isn't 'tragedy' a tag? Heck I can't imagine this story being anything but a tragedy, so I would have tagged it that too. But i guess because the story isn't complete it would be unfair.
Anyway, the point wasn't to complain about rape not being a tag. The point was merely to try and provide a warning seeing as the usual methods failed me this time.
Thanks for the reply and have a nice day.

Rape is a crime, but to use it in consensual role play in a safe environment with someone you trust is the business of the people with that kink and nobody elses. Enjoying it in comics, or animations, or even outright porn is fine in my opinion, as long as it never crosses the line into reality. Also with it properly tagged, marked whatever would be great too...

Consensual rape roleplay is not really rape so that's beside my actual point. Enjoying it in comics and fictions is alright for me as well. A lot of people enjoy murder stories but they don't actually commit murder. My comment was literally just about having rape as a kink, or enjoying the idea of rape.

The whole rape-roleplay thing is part of rape kink. Just as being tied up is a kink to some people. So I don't really understand what you mean when you say rape as a kink is disgusting.
I mean when you, I dunno, do police role play and have sex the other person isn't generally an actual police officer, but the uniform is sexy and hand cuffs are fun? I think another well known one might be the doctor & nurse play? People also aren't actual doctors or nurses usually, but they play it out and have fun anyway. Rape role paly = other person not actually a rapist. Safe & consensual.

I'm talking about the nonconsensual one. A person with a rape kink literally raping another person and going away with, "It's my kink so it's okay." Or reading a fic and saying that, "He raped her. That's hot." Enjoying a story with rape content is different from enjoying the rape itself. People with rape kink enjoy both the story and the idea of someone getting raped, which is pretty disturbing. Just because they don't do it in real life doesn't mean that enjoying the idea of rape is morally correct.
Yes, the rape roleplay is under the umbrella of the rape kink but my point doesn't focus on just that.
But you have your opinion in this matter so I won't bother convincing you to agree with me. Just wanna explain why I think that rape kink is morally wrong and there is nothing okay with it.

Please also read my reply from above. I already explained my opinion clearly. Also, please pinpoint where did I contradict myself?
Exactly. The idea and the fantasy is what makes it not okay for me. Just because I'm not the one doing the killing doesn't mean that it's okay for me to fantasize murder and get aroused with the idea of a person killing another person.
Rape kink is okay for you. It's not for me. That's it.

The similarity is that both can still be a fetish despite of the rarity or what. And both are also heinous crimes when done literally.
Popularity is irrelevant. What I also find morally wrong is people normalizing the idea of getting aroused with the idea of forced sex.
Uhm, I never said that I don't like (I don't like nor dislike it) rape in fiction. I like this story and it has a rape content. I just don't like the rape itself, but I don't dislike it as a content or plot armor. I also don't think that it's wrong to tell people that they shouldn't have a certain kink. If we will tolerate all kinds of kink then we we would be really fucked up some day.

Okay. Thank you for the viewpoint. I think I'll end it here, but I still stand on my point and still think that fantasizing a crime is still wrong. Will never fantasize that raping someone is arousing and normal. And will never normalize the idea of enjoying and lusting for rape. Fine if psychological studies ain't with me. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Well this wasn't what I expected lol. All I wanted to do was leave a warning to people who may not want to read a story with rape content without having to trawl through 3 million comments talking about how hot Yoon is.
Not that he isn't, but he's a rapist, and i'm reeeeaaally not ok with that. =_=;;

Fuck or die plot, that attempts to turn into something more. Rape included, although not between the main paring, but both get raped by other people/creatures. The Korean main is an idiot who can't tell when a woman he's dating is completely not into him, and has a vision of the man he likes now, having been raped in the past, and can't see past his own nose well enough to realise that YES IT WAS FUCKING RAPE. And just goes all, "i dunno if you actually like me! You probably like fucking around! Leave!" He's so fucking stupid i can't deal with him. The german old man isn't great either, but at least he's not a complete utter moron.
This could have been a good story, the general plot is sort of interesting, but yeah, too much rape, too much stupid, couldn't keep going past ch 22.
This was pretty fun. The beginning was a bit frustrating (I wasn't sure i liked MC), but it got pretty good. I liked the dressing down of bad tropes, i like the small nod to stalker = bad. The ending of this "first season" is what's kind of making me unsure. I get that this is a romance story, and i do like Nine, but it's the implication that the rest of the "4 male leads" are going to fall for MC now that makes me really not like it. I hope this writer handles it well, and i kind of get that this is probably what it was always going to be. Even though i would have preferred a friendship to form. And hey, it still could.
Also the fact that Ian just doesn't get it even after all that character development. He did some VERY shitty things, hell Melissa before MC did shitty things too, but that just goes to show how freaking toxic their relationship was. And. Ian. Doesn't. Get. It. MC now is showing no interest, clearly has moved on, but Ian seems to think the good decision is to try and win her back. Like not even let any actual time pass to let them both breath and rethink. Hell the engagement STILL hasn't been annulled, despite him saying that he would do it. For fuck sake, he's on his way, but he's only taken like a step in the right direction, rather then actually proceeded down this new path. It bothers me SO much. Like ffs does MC have to do all the thinking for these guys??? Can they not think and feel on their own? Wouldn't he naturally have wanted to maintain some distance while he got his shit in order??
Also the 180 the brother does after his gun gets broke is just... what? I mean we never get his thoughts on the relationship with his sister, so perhaps there's been some secret affection for her the entire time. Maybe. But it's still so sudden, and the way he suddenly got all protective just... is there gonna be an unrequited incest tag? 'Cause if so, imma go.
I do like that mr. peacock got dropped from the story entirely. Though i suppose he can make a come back in the next season. And i don't even know what i want to do with Red wuff, but i kind of want him to fuck off with the "well she's not my type, but she has some chame". Ugh.
It really feels like the next season may devolve into these guys all fighting over her, and i just... I don't want that. It was fun that she wasn't anyone's target but Nine's and arguable Yuri's.
I think you missed the whole point of the story lol. The fact that we don't root for the original male leads because they're actually superficial shitty characters pokes fun at the fact that Melissa a "real" person ended in some 3rd rate, undeveloped romance novel. The original male leads are suppose to be bad characters. There really isn't any development for them. From the clues of the stories, it looks like the spirit thing is manipulating Melissa to be heroine because she's messing up the original story where Yuri is getting all the guys. That prob is why the original male leads are being nice to her now.
Oh hey, no worries, I got the point, I did! Doesn't change that i don't like that the way the story is progressing, the "narrative" is going to become the antagonist, and the boys are all gonna fall for her.
Also, there is character development... that's why Ian's trying to change, 'cause he realized how shitty he's been. That is development right there. I'm sure the brother has also maybe had an 'ah-ha!' moment (after mc fucked him up a little) that made him change his ways. <-- also development. Like they have graduated from being the cardboard cut outs depicted in the novel, to people the mc has to interact with.
It's difficult to keep straight, but it's not like the mc woke up in a fake world she will eventually wake up from (at least that's what i understood), this place is as real as the world she came from. Which is why the guys are shit rather than charming. So obviously things will change and progress. One of the guys is possibly going to even be redeemed, which i like, but at the same time this whole "now YOU (mc) will be the love interest and everyone will fall for you!" thing is a direction I'm not sure I'll be into, and that is what i was trying to express.
Also Ian trying to win back mc (implying that he cares, but apparently not enough to give proper space and time to heal). I didn't really like that, but i get that it's inevitable considering where the plot is going. I can still not like that though. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Ah I see what you mean. Truthfully, I don't want the OG MLs to start liking her either because it will get in the way of Nine lol. Like if they can all just go away and Melissa, Nine, and Yuri can have a more original/new adventure that would be cool.