he's pregnant.. And even tho they are 'dating' they aren't really a full blown couple in love with each other.. So it will prob create some awkwardness. I'm just guessing everything tho.
The minute she had to go to the bathroom , I knew she would be met with that redhead coming back.. bummer.. I hope this gets updated soon so we are put out of our misery:)
It's really good. The story and art.. the characters are well written. I can't wait for more.
of all the things she wants to do after living through that is to try and smoke a cigarette? geez... I am having so much trouble respecting her character, this is just one more let down for me personally, not fun entertainment. I also wonder why she can't just borrow money in her ex's name and pay off the debt she got from him? Perhaps because they're not married.. but I would enjoy a story where she looks for a way to dump his debt back on him.
This story looks interesting and I'm loving the art ( I recognized right away from Max) but I'd like to ask: Am I supposed to understand at this point what and why there was a problem between them years ago at the pool? Why does the mc think he's done something that could be thought of as wrong and feels slightly apologetic until it starts getting intense between them. I don't understand, unless that it part of the reveal later.. then I'm find with waiting, and character growth.. all part of what makes a story interesting.
He's thought about it 'a couple of days'.. and he's sorry... lol... you mean forget and forgive the constant physical and mental abuse from the day you married, the flaunting of your affairs and choosing everyone before you, but abusing you if someone else stood up for you? you imprisioned me and had me tortured, when I was sick to death and lost my eyesight... Ok, well, you've thought about it a couple of days so that seems fair.
"It's not that I wanted to drink with anyone, I just didn't want to go back to the hotel without you"... Um... that still sounds like an excuse for cheating..lol.. or preparing to cheat. NOT reassuring at all author.
I loved Able before, sad when he died, I love Able again... it's done so well, the humor.. 'don't fall in love with the frail fairy', haha... I thought we would have to see the ML denounce Able right away, but it's fun that Able doesn't realize it's the ML and is revealing his true innocent, sweet self.
I was reading this novel years ago.. also the many versions of manhuas that kept popping up, but not finished. :/ Now I find this one, but it's last post was 3 years ago .. I am hesitant to start again. I LOVED the some of the earlier manhua's , the art was stunning and extravagant, but they continually get discontinued. I guess it's pretty daunting :/
No more yaoi for you.. Now you're just copying every bad behavior you've read. why , oh why, couldn't you have been original?
The panels when the father grabs her and then we see he's pointing his pistol at Shinpei, fires, and Shinpei falls to the ground.
She took a long time to wise up to his crap, now that she knows, I really need her to move forward.. If she doesn't.. I'll just have to check back on this in a year or so.. Doormats make my neck throb.
I'll be holding an audition for a new ML.. ANYONE and everyone is welcome to apply. Please hurry.. I can't stand it anymore.
we all know the MC IS going to be entangled right now, because that slap coming for the bride is not going to wash with him, I'm sure. And , another reason why he should have been in on the plan , and the plan needed to be a better plan.
I like this.. I didn't know if I would continue when I first started. I look forward to how this story goes.
This last chapter just feels like rehash. I assume it's meant to be from others POV's, but there's nothing new there, so .. I hope it picks up. I feel like I 'get it ' now, let's see the results of their plan