Regarding my previous comment about picking this up when the official English version catches up, if no one does it before me I will be comparing the chapters here and on tappytoon to maybe replace them and upload the rest when it catches up. The official English version is only on chapter 12 so it will take a while.

Someone asked me to pick this up and replace a few chapters and stuff when the official English version catches up. If everyone is okay with it I can do that. If yes, what chapters exactly? (the English version is up till chapter 12 now)

Hey! Thank you so much for considering to pick up this up. It’s entirely up to you on which chapters you’d like to replace, but personally, is it possible for you to replace the chapters that the Dysania scanlation group didn’t do? This scanlation group just happened to do a really good job haha. Then again, entirely up to you! Again, thank you for considering to pick this up!!
so just fyi, i’ll be replacing the unofficial chapters w the official version from next week on (i also got permission from the one who uploaded them). i’m just too busy with my exams atm