I feel so bad for the seme, like imagining my boyfriend getting friendly with another girl or thinking about another girl the way the uke did, even if the reason he thinks about him is different to what the seme thinks, it just jabs at your heart with jealousy as well as insecurities because you end up thinking that he's losing interest in you. Damn, that was hard to read, the uke really just doesn't know what he's doing to the seme, instead of reassuring him, he's giving every reason for the seme to be insecure about their relationship.

Like how dumb can you be? If you like it, and you want the translation of the manhwa to keep going, don't message the damn author. Like even before this notice, I knew never to do that because every upload on this site is illegal, people really out there having no brains. Smh. And if you want info on the damn novel, ask someone who isn't the author, the fuck.

Ya'll do know this is fiction and not real life, trying to justify what happens in fiction, doesn't do or change anything about the real world. Ya'll don't like it, move on. Try and find your justice in real life instead of ruining it for others who want to read the story and understand the characters as well as the deeper meanings. There are plenty of other manhwas that don't have rape in It. Read or reread, like f off.

There's a reason manhwas exist lmao, it ain't my fault ya'll are so weird and combine real life to fictional stories. Everyone, like everyone, knows how wrong it is in real life, like get sent to prison wrong, we all know but it doesn't change anything about it happening to real people by tryna stop it from happening in fiction. Ya'll are so weird. If you don't like it, simply skip it, there are plenty more manhwas out there to read.

Whenever there are dramatic situations in a Manga that are being portrayed seriously, yet the characters act illogical and ignore it, people always complain. I didn't even complain directly about the rape, yaoi is full of that fantasy, I was saying that in this Manga there was no "deeper meaning" to any rape here. It just looks sadistic for the sake of it, which is alright, but don't pretend that it's something more virtuous.
I feel like this manhwa is gonna be so angsty and different in a good way, I love it, you can already tell they're falling for each other and Jake is already not wanting shingun to sleep with other people, he keeps reminding him not to. I wish people would stop with the switching roles stuff, it's not gonna happen lmao, its obvious as hell. This may probably become my best read ever.
right i can feel it