Kekkai Sensen, Blood World War's main characters are Klaus Rineberts, Frau Jane and Gilbert, th...
- Author: odama namie
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Martial Arts / Sci-fi / Shounen / Supernatural
When the Wischtech threatened to invade the fiefs of Szaalanden, the Emperor dispatched fourteen you...
- Author: shiono etorouji
- Genres: Action / Adult / Adventure / Fantasy / Mature / Seinen / Supernatural
Having been assigned by the human elders the mission of stopping a mystical plague that has afflicte...
- Author: Minekura Kazuya
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy
By night, junior high student Yoshimori Sumimura is a "kekkaishi"--a demon-hunter who specializes in...
- Author: tanabe yellow
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Shounen / Supernatural