anime where they need to hold hand to share Life force to survive. It’s a anime that came out years ago. And it’s not hand shakers.
they are assigned partners, so if they arnt in contact with that partner then they get sick or die.
also the two protagonist are males teenage kids in school and they live in a part of town where everyone have to touch their partner to survive. but when they entered a school exchange program they realized people in other part of the world do not need to touch others to survive it was only them.
any omegaverse wheres the alpha went into rut and we see the scenes. ps. already saw love shuttle
..your wrong. Omegas go into heat and Alphas go into rut when alphas go into rut they can get a knot this is basically when the alpha gets i guess stuck? Once this happens they can't get out of the omega and proceed to stay there for i forgot how long.thats how omegas get pregnant. I might be wrong.
Which chapter do they finally do it.
107, but it feels so forced....