Because he is? He was grey-blue-ish, which is a non-human skin tone and fair enough for non-human to have. It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine.
Because he is? He was grey-blue-ish, which is a non-human skin tone and fair enough for non-human to have.It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine. Tikky
"It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine" do yk how skin colours work..? They don’t need the sun to have a darker skin tone, it’s all in the genes. It’s kinda logical to expect a dark skin coloured character to have more melanin when having a "human skin tone"
"It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine" do yk how skin colours work..? They don’t need the sun to have a darker skin tone, it’s all in the genes. It’s kinda logi... Akiraa_
It's in the genes, because of evolution. Evolution depending on the people being exposed to varying degrees of sunlight. Which they do not have any of, as there is no light at the bottom of the ocean. Am I talking to an elementary school kid? And no, it's not logical to expect that, when he didn't have a "darker skin tone", but an "unnatural skin tone". One thing has nothing to do with the other. Wait, do you also think that Panthers have black skin, just because their fur is black? Kind of feels like you would be disappointed by that as well.
"It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine" do yk how skin colours work..? They don’t need the sun to have a darker skin tone, it’s all in the genes. It’s kinda logi... Akiraa_
do u not know that staying on the cold makes u lighter.. but anyways why ask that if you know that that's not how skin colors work, they can be whatever cuz they're not human anyways
"It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine" do yk how skin colours work..? They don’t need the sun to have a darker skin tone, it’s all in the genes. It’s kinda logi... Akiraa_
Tbh, he looks better with his dark skin tone. Made his eye color pop more and he looked better. I find it confusing as to why it was changed outta nowhere with not even an explanation and it was just swept under the rug.
It's in the genes, because of evolution. Evolution depending on the people being exposed to varying degrees of sunlight. Which they do not have any of, as there is no light at the bottom of the ocean.Am I talki... Tikky
His "unnatural" skin tone is still a darker one, he could have had a light blue tone which would make it just as unnatural but a lighter skin tone. I do know that what I said was dumb lmao I realised that after but these are literal mermaids, I don’t think that normal world rules could apply on that but that’s on the author/artist ig
do u not know that staying on the cold makes u lighter.. but anyways why ask that if you know that that's not how skin colors work, they can be whatever cuz they're not human anyways MoodiMuji
It’s just that he had a darker blue/greyish skin tone to begin with, so some people would expects at least a tan skin tone. The switch to a very light one can throw some people off
Tbh, he looks better with his dark skin tone. Made his eye color pop more and he looked better. I find it confusing as to why it was changed outta nowhere with not even an explanation and it was just swept unde... LadyKHatake
Yeah I also think so. I think he also didn’t need to get a "normal" human skin tone, the blue/greyish skin wouldn’t feel weird if it stayed, it just made it weirder when it changed
Yeah I also think so. I think he also didn’t need to get a "normal" human skin tone, the blue/greyish skin wouldn’t feel weird if it stayed, it just made it weirder when it changed Akiraa_
The "normal" look didn't need to mean as white washed. He was already normal, I love his dark skin tone, dude looked majestic and it fucking sucks. It isn't weird for him to have dark/tanned skin just because he is a being of the sea. If he was shown dark/tan on the book cover just to be changed immediately in the story; what was the point of having his skin dark if it was gonna be switched. Again, I love his original skin tone and him being white doesn't work for me.
The "normal" look didn't need to mean as white washed. He was already normal, I love his dark skin tone, dude looked majestic and it fucking sucks. It isn't weird for him to have dark/tanned skin just because h... LadyKHatake
Yeahh I agree with you. Idk if you replied to the right person cuz I was mostly saying the same thing as you but yeah you’re right
It's in the genes, because of evolution. Evolution depending on the people being exposed to varying degrees of sunlight. Which they do not have any of, as there is no light at the bottom of the ocean.Am I talki... Tikky
this is a yaoi mermaid manhwa and you’re deadass talking about evolution rn? the author could make them dark skin if they wanted to, they just chose not to. this is a very racist take to talk about “unnatural skin” in this setting when the author obviously wasn’t going for realism lmao
Because he is? He was grey-blue-ish, which is a non-human skin tone and fair enough for non-human to have.
It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine.
"It would be weirder if he was brown or black where the sun doesn't fucking shine" do yk how skin colours work..? They don’t need the sun to have a darker skin tone, it’s all in the genes. It’s kinda logical to expect a dark skin coloured character to have more melanin when having a "human skin tone"
It's in the genes, because of evolution. Evolution depending on the people being exposed to varying degrees of sunlight. Which they do not have any of, as there is no light at the bottom of the ocean.
Am I talking to an elementary school kid?
And no, it's not logical to expect that, when he didn't have a "darker skin tone", but an "unnatural skin tone". One thing has nothing to do with the other.
Wait, do you also think that Panthers have black skin, just because their fur is black? Kind of feels like you would be disappointed by that as well.
do u not know that staying on the cold makes u lighter.. but anyways why ask that if you know that that's not how skin colors work, they can be whatever cuz they're not human anyways
Tbh, he looks better with his dark skin tone. Made his eye color pop more and he looked better. I find it confusing as to why it was changed outta nowhere with not even an explanation and it was just swept under the rug.
His "unnatural" skin tone is still a darker one, he could have had a light blue tone which would make it just as unnatural but a lighter skin tone. I do know that what I said was dumb lmao I realised that after but these are literal mermaids, I don’t think that normal world rules could apply on that but that’s on the author/artist ig
It’s just that he had a darker blue/greyish skin tone to begin with, so some people would expects at least a tan skin tone. The switch to a very light one can throw some people off
Yeah I also think so. I think he also didn’t need to get a "normal" human skin tone, the blue/greyish skin wouldn’t feel weird if it stayed, it just made it weirder when it changed
The "normal" look didn't need to mean as white washed. He was already normal, I love his dark skin tone, dude looked majestic and it fucking sucks. It isn't weird for him to have dark/tanned skin just because he is a being of the sea. If he was shown dark/tan on the book cover just to be changed immediately in the story; what was the point of having his skin dark if it was gonna be switched. Again, I love his original skin tone and him being white doesn't work for me.
Yeahh I agree with you. Idk if you replied to the right person cuz I was mostly saying the same thing as you but yeah you’re right
this is a yaoi mermaid manhwa and you’re deadass talking about evolution rn? the author could make them dark skin if they wanted to, they just chose not to. this is a very racist take to talk about “unnatural skin” in this setting when the author obviously wasn’t going for realism lmao