Violet October 20, 2023 4:29 pm

I have read "Two Souls" and currently reading "the fallen Duke and the knight who hated him"
. Like it both. Pls recommend some more!!

Violet October 15, 2023 7:11 am

Some one pls explain me about esper guide verse? Thanks!

    Biatu October 15, 2023 7:24 am

    Esper is somehow like a hunter in gate webtoon but when they use too much of their power they get something like ( negative energy) that could make them explode or become evil the best way to get rid of this energy is making contact with a guide and the more skin contact there's the better they get - or that what I understand
    At some stories it's like fated mate as in alpha omega pair but here it's like 80% good to each other, if the esper with a guide who are more than 60% rate simple touch will get them to feel good
    It's hard to find guide with more than 60% rate
    There are stories about finding your fated guide and there are stories about I found the one but I like a guide with 20% something like that

    Biatu October 15, 2023 7:25 am

    Try reading this one it's cute not too dark like other Guideverse stories

    Gaarmeri October 15, 2023 7:29 am

    Like omegaverse, some details may change from author to author, but the rough strokes are...
    They are usually set in worlds that have monsters, or have been destroyed by mosnters.
    Espers are basically superhumans. They have powers like controlling the elements, mind control, flying, teleporting, etc. However, using their powers comes with a cost. This usually is loss of sanity, or exhaustion. If an esper is not guided, they usually go into a rampage.
    To mitigate this, an esper needs a Guide. Guides are usually described as normal humans that have the sole ability to give energy/guide espers. This is done through physical contact. Normal guiding can be throu holding hands, but more intimate acts lead to better guiding, because this is a BL universe of course.
    Both espers and guides are divided by ranks. This can be from D to S, but again, it depends on the author. S rank espers are super powerful and can have all sorts of awesome abilities but need more energy when guided. S rank guides have more energy, I believe.
    Though same ranked esper and guide pairs are desirable, what matters most is how compatible they are with each other. This is usually done through a percentage. A high compatibility rate usually means a better transmition of energy, thus more efficient guiding.
    Guides and espers can also imprint on each other. It's like bonding in omegaverse. The effects of an imprint vary from author to author, but it usually means that the esper is putting themselves on the hands of the guide, because they can no longer receive guiding from anyone else.
    This is all I can think of for now (: I'm not an expert, but if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer what I can!

    Violet October 15, 2023 7:55 am
    Esper is somehow like a hunter in gate webtoon but when they use too much of their power they get something like ( negative energy) that could make them explode or become evil the best way to get rid of this en... Biatu

    Thank youuu !!!

    Violet October 15, 2023 7:55 am
    Like omegaverse, some details may change from author to author, but the rough strokes are... They are usually set in worlds that have monsters, or have been destroyed by mosnters.Espers are basically superhuman... Gaarmeri

    Thanks for this !!

    若汐 October 15, 2023 9:01 am
    Like omegaverse, some details may change from author to author, but the rough strokes are... They are usually set in worlds that have monsters, or have been destroyed by mosnters.Espers are basically superhuman... Gaarmeri

    wowww you explained it so well!!

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ October 15, 2023 9:04 am

    Here ~~

    It's basically differentiate on how authors wants to execute story with concept of guidvesere I will explain simply --

    - Esper - is a person who has strongest powers (like fire , telepathy, water or things control type) they are like heroes in the world of monsters like there are monsters they fight government organize them and to control their power or not to let them rampage they need a person who will give them mind peace or calamity to their powers. Sometime esper without a guide become a empty shell so without his guide ,esper is in strongest needs for a guide.

    - Guide - is a person who is meant to be with esper but his destination is simple he gives sense of calmness to his esper that's his work is not let to his esper rampage.

    They don't become partners eventually cuz they are also divided in hierarchical order like S-rank esper are strongest they need same rank of guide to supervise them sometimes test are made to check if they suite each other if they suite that means they compadible enough strongest the Esper and match the strongest guide they needs to intimate with each other give esper sense of security or power control.

    Sometimes guide playes the role of archive wheel for esper who is out of control so it's easier to handle him so people around them don't get injured. For an esper guide become his weakness and it's advantages or disadvantages both.

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