I forgot the title buti it goes something like this;
a girl transfers to an island, loves with her ralatives? under a roof with two hot siblings. she planned to hook up with at least one of them but they were actually into each other. and at school where there were only guys, she wanted to atleast find A boyfriend but the guys in her class were also into each other. then she finds a not guy but was gay. they bece friends? and she realized, after so many futile attemps, that island was actually cursed, and all guys there are gonna turn gays.
something kinda like that... i really can't remember the title so if anyone knows, PWEASE HAND ME DA SAUCE(┳Д┳)
I forgot the title buti it goes something like this;
a girl transfers to an island, loves with her ralatives? under a roof with two hot siblings. she planned to hook up with at least one of them but they were actually into each other.
and at school where there were only guys, she wanted to atleast find A boyfriend but the guys in her class were also into each other.
then she finds a not guy but was gay. they bece friends? and she realized, after so many futile attemps, that island was actually cursed, and all guys there are gonna turn gays.
something kinda like that...
i really can't remember the title so if anyone knows, PWEASE HAND ME DA SAUCE(┳Д┳)
yes, thank chu vewy much! ~(^з^)-♡