marry October 26, 2017 8:26 am

can anyone please recommend either a long good shoujo or yaoi manga to me. I prefer shoujos with a strong female lead (mentally and/or psychically), it can either be dark or comedy but the female can not be overly obsess with romance or lack self respect or self esteem.

marry July 15, 2017 6:13 pm

I get really bothered when a character in a yaoi manga refuse to be in a relationship with someone they love because they want them to have 'normal happiness' and 'stay on the right path'. I always think 'who the hell are you to decide what is right and normal for someone else?' I also think that 1: the character who refuse to be in the relationship is a coward and is just finding a self-righteous reason to prevent themselves from taking a chance for fear of being hurt. 2: they must hate their own sexuality on some level to think the other won't find happiness if they are with a guy.

    lily July 15, 2017 6:24 pm

    well it´s not just yaoi/gays ther are straight people too who decide that their partner should have a better life without them. hell that´s the reason i broke off with my 5yr bf he wanted a normal family life with kids and i knew i can´t give that to him. so it´s not just yaoi. it´s about putting the other person´s happiness above urs.

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands July 15, 2017 6:25 pm

    Well you can't blame them if they had some past experiences that hurt them to the point of doubting if the other person will never want to have a family or regret being in a gay relationship and leave ( ̄∇ ̄")

    『 cofefe 』 July 15, 2017 6:28 pm

    Right, it's like when A says "i can't give you babies/a family" to B, when in fact, B can't do that for A either.
    It also reminds me of the "I don't deserve you," line when couples break up, like who are you tell me anything? I chose you. You can't decide for me.

    Pacgirl July 15, 2017 9:22 pm
    Right, it's like when A says "i can't give you babies/a family" to B, when in fact, B can't do that for A either. It also reminds me of the "I don't deserve you," line when couples break up, like who are you te... 『 cofefe 』

    Sorry to go off topic but.
    I love your name.

    『 cofefe 』 July 15, 2017 9:37 pm
    Sorry to go off topic but. I love your name. Pacgirl

    why thank u. i honestly don't know how i came up with it years ago... (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

marry June 27, 2017 8:13 pm

About to read overdose for the countless time, but like I do with every manga, I read some comments and I can't help laughing. Sometimes when I read comments I can't help but wonder if we all live in our own personal bubble where nothing bad happens and we always do the right thing. Yes cheating is consider wrong but since when does it equals death or that the person is deserving of death? And why do we assume the cheated is weak for accepting the fact that their lover cheats. To me they are only weak if they deny the obvious fact, close their eyes to it, justify their lover actions if they hate it or truly blames themselves. In my mind some people cheats. Some people are okay with it and some people are not so I find lots of the comment on the matter really funny.

    Nemunemu June 27, 2017 11:38 pm

    Hey hii, i am curious what did you find funny in a comment section people's rage towards the cheater and tell him to die which ofcourse only a line we use in anger or when they were victim blaming?i am sorry bit i coulnt understand it what are you trying to say .

    marry June 28, 2017 2:31 am

    I found it funny (not ha ha funny but I can't believe the kind of things people say funny) that some people called the cheated an abuser. That he needed to die. I also found it funny when people stated that they are both horrible.
    I believe that words have meaning and they are important- even the words people say in anger or just venting so I think it is a cop out when people say 'they only it out of anger'. If words didn't have meaning or impact kids won't be committing suicide base on what people say to them or have no lasting scar on their psyche. This is why I try not to attack à person but what they say or comment. I don't don't know who will be reading it.
    Basically what I was trying to say (ineffectively) is that just because someone cheats doesn't make them a horrible person, a person deserving off death or an abuser- it makes them à cheater and because someone accept the cheating it doesn't make them weak. They can either be really forgiving or love the person more then they hate the fact that they cheats so they over look it.

    Nemunemu June 28, 2017 3:53 am
    I found it funny (not ha ha funny but I can't believe the kind of things people say funny) that some people called the cheated an abuser. That he needed to die. I also found it funny when people stated that the... marry

    Most of the thing i agree And that only for a victim.cheaters are horrible person who broke someone house it is coming from a person with a broken house .what was your reason of hurting the one you love can't that person satisfy you why is it that you have to go elsewhere to complete your lust .you hurt him day by day .even after forgiving the wound dont disapear .the person who cheat is a horible person. Plus yes we do say we should choose our word wisley but sometimes people like seme who cheat make me sick to my stomach they are that horrible .death is very easy .they need to have that pain and suffering that the person they cheated felt . Amd what was the reason for his cheating he wanted to see how much uke can forgive him .bulshit you dont cheat on someone you love to know how forgivable he is he is your lover dammit you jUST know that was just and excuse to whore around .so yes not many people are forgiving towrds cheater and they should not be once a cheater have hight percentage of cheating on you again.

    marry June 28, 2017 6:42 am

    I don't really think the seme was horrible in overdose. No I am not condoning cheating but I do believe people will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. The uke allowed the cheating because he prefer being with the seme instead of without- I don't think that made him weak or horrible, just human (the same applies to the seme). I don't see the world in black and white. To me the action of cheating is horrible not the person. There are few actions that makes a person à horrible person in my book- rape, child abuse, and human trafficking. Everything else depends on the facts and those involve. I know and accept that not everyone agrees with my views. I don't agree with your view on cheating but base on your comment it seems that it is something you are passionate about so I respect it.

    Nemunemu June 28, 2017 9:09 am
    I don't really think the seme was horrible in overdose. No I am not condoning cheating but I do believe people will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. The uke allowed the cheating because he prefer ... marry

    I didnt said amything about cheating And its okay we will agree to disagree.but cjeating to me is equal as abuse its called mental abuse .cheating ruin people mentally their can not be any excuse for cheating if there people will have excuse for almost everything its just what trigger us the most And cheating triggers me just like real life rape and can feel sorry for it or feel there must be a reason for them to do that but in the emd its still wrong.
    It was nice talking to you .have a nice day

marry June 4, 2017 4:57 pm

I notice that in almost all type (yaoi, shounen-ai, or shoujo) of manga no matter if it Chinese, Japanese or Korean all the children refer to their parent spouse as their mother or father after their remarriage. Basically i am wondering if that is actually an Asian cultural thing or a manga thing. I refer to my father's wives as my father's wives. I have never once refer or thought of them as my mother and those that i know whose parents are remarried always refer to their parent spouse as "my step-dad" or "my step-mom" so i have been curious about why it was different in the mangas i read.

    kewlkols June 4, 2017 5:29 pm

    It's honestly just a choice if you want to. I honestly thought it's like this at other parts of the world.

    mint June 4, 2017 5:29 pm

    It's an Asian cultural thing. If you have watched korean dramas, you see that boyfriends/girlfriends often call their partner's parents eomoni and abeoji when they meet each other and same thing when you are married. Though, for males, there is also a different appellation.

    kewlkols June 4, 2017 5:29 pm
    It's honestly just a choice if you want to. I honestly thought it's like this at other parts of the world. kewlkols

    I just said honestly twice (・・;)

    X June 4, 2017 5:40 pm

    If I had to guess, I would say it depends on the age of the child when the parent remarried and how involved the step-parent was in their life. If the parent remarried while the child was still young, and they grew up with their step-mom/step-dad being around them more than their biological mom or dad, then they might consider the step-parent to be on the same level as a parent. Or maybe they didn't get along well with their biological mom or dad, and are closer to the step-parent. Or, maybe the step-parent is strict and prefers to be referred to as "Mom" or "Dad" vs. "my step-mom" or "my step-dad" (I don't think most people would demand that of a kid, but I have heard of it before, or the opposite - "You don't *need* to call me Mom/Dad if you don't want to...")

    My friend calls both her mom and her step-mom "Mom", and only clarifies "Well this is actually my step-mom" if someone asks her about it. But even on her phone, her step-mom's number is saved under "Mommy" and her biological mom is saved under "Mama". She is really close to her step-mom though. So yeah, I think it just depends on the person and what their circumstances are and how they get along with the step-parent.

marry May 21, 2017 8:36 pm

I am looking for a manga to read. it can either be a shoujo with a strong female lead or mature or really funny- it would be great if it had all three or a yaoi that has great character development or the relationship progress naturally.

marry February 15, 2017 7:30 pm

Why do people bring real life situation into fantasy and fiction? manga is a fiction it is not made to fit in the bubble of everyone's reality. If there is a situation you don't like in the manga because it doesn't fit in your reality just don't read it instead of trolling it. It is distraction of those of us who want to read the manga and the comment about the manga and what each people think is morally wrong or is a crime if it happens in real life. If you want to read something that will always fit in the realm of reality read a non-fiction. There are some pretty good one out there.

    Ghost February 15, 2017 7:39 pm

    Lol most of them remind me mothers who complain about violent video games

    LessThanThree February 15, 2017 7:46 pm

    "It's just fiction" ruins it, imo. I will let little things off because of fiction, but not all things. I think if we don't use real world standards to fiction then we're dismissing fiction. Writing is supposed to insight conversation and differing opinions.
    Additionally, if someone can say, "OMG THAT GIRL IS A BITCH SHE NEEDS TO DIE" then I don't see why I can't say, "Wtf, that dude just raped somebody. He shouldn't end up with the MC."

    LessThanThree February 15, 2017 7:46 pm

    "It's just fiction" ruins it, imo. I will let little things off because of fiction, but not all things. I think if we don't use real world standards to fiction then we're dismissing fiction. Writing is supposed to insight conversation and differing opinions.
    Additionally, if someone can say, "OMG THAT GIRL IS A BITCH SHE NEEDS TO DIE" then I don't see why I can't say, "Wtf, that dude just raped somebody. He shouldn't end up with the MC."

    LessThanThree February 15, 2017 7:47 pm
    Lol most of them remind me mothers who complain about violent video games Ghost

    Yeah, don't compare me to that. Those mothers are complaining that their young children are being exposed to it. There's a difference between my 20-year-old ass and an 8-year-old watching someone get their head blown off.

    Ghost February 15, 2017 7:57 pm
    Yeah, don't compare me to that. Those mothers are complaining that their young children are being exposed to it. There's a difference between my 20-year-old ass and an 8-year-old watching someone get their head... LessThanThree

    Well they have age limits for a reason and please don't include rape into it rape is a special kind of evil even I don't like how they romanticize it.I am talking about people who read manga like killing stalking and complain about murders after reading it I said violence not rape.

    LessThanThree February 15, 2017 8:04 pm
    Well they have age limits for a reason and please don't include rape into it rape is a special kind of evil even I don't like how they romanticize it.I am talking about people who read manga like killing stalki... Ghost

    Yeah, I get what you mean about the age limit. I just mean that is there reasoning.
    I apologize, as rape is an act of violence I was confused. I'm not sure what you mean by the KS example? You mean people are complaining that Sangwoo is murdering people?

    LessThanThree February 15, 2017 8:06 pm
    Yeah, I get what you mean about the age limit. I just mean that is there reasoning.I apologize, as rape is an act of violence I was confused. I'm not sure what you mean by the KS example? You mean people are co... LessThanThree

    *their reasoning

    Ghost February 15, 2017 8:10 pm
    *their reasoning LessThanThree

    Yes I meant those people not rape English is not my main language sometimes I make mistakes sorry about that

    LessThanThree February 15, 2017 8:12 pm
    Yes I meant those people not rape English is not my main language sometimes I make mistakes sorry about that Ghost

    Well I guess it makes sense. I think Sangwoo is a terrible person for murdering. Isn't that what the author wants you to think?

    Ghost February 15, 2017 8:25 pm
    Well I guess it makes sense. I think Sangwoo is a terrible person for murdering. Isn't that what the author wants you to think? LessThanThree

    I think he is not sane at all and that is what makes KS so interesting for me. There are not many mangas with villain main characters and I like stories with gray morality

    marry February 15, 2017 8:31 pm
    Well I guess it makes sense. I think Sangwoo is a terrible person for murdering. Isn't that what the author wants you to think? LessThanThree

    I am actually a fit scared to finished reading that one i am stuck on chapter 3. I have read way worse novel and enjoyed them very much which is why my friend recommend it to me but see it drawn out thats a different ball park. if i can get over that fact i will most likely enjoy it

    KattCleo February 16, 2017 12:42 am
    "It's just fiction" ruins it, imo. I will let little things off because of fiction, but not all things. I think if we don't use real world standards to fiction then we're dismissing fiction. Writing is supposed... LessThanThree

    I don't think the same people who say you need to take a chill pill it's fiction also say that an annoying girl needs to die because she's cockblocking a character.

    In addition, yaoi is wet dream fantasy material, I don't know if you didn't get the memo or what. People are actually into that shit when they write them down in stories. So in my HONEST opinion, when a fan of a mangaka is judging their choices on what is ok and what is not ok to do with their plot and characters then they are just plain disrespectful and don't get her/him. It's different to have someone feel passionate about a story and a whole other thing to have them go around saying something is "sick" or "this shouldn't be like this".

    People are into all kinds of shit, I don't think any serious (adult - it's yaoi you are SUPPOSED to be over 18 just saying) human being thinks that if Maya rapes Nemugasa it's totally fine if they did that as well irl.

    Ai No Kusabi, Viewfinder, Yatteraneese, Haru wo Daite Ita, Tyrant Falls In Love, Ze, Kawaii Akuma, Kuroneko Kareshi, Porno Superstar, Okane Ga Nai, El Calor, to name just a few classics and/or really popular works on top of my head that make light of sexual harassment, assault or full blown rape.

    What USED to be amazing about yaoi is how unashamed it was and how it's fandom was very honest about their liking it, no matter how obscene or weird or rapey or whatever it was. Now suddenly we have all these easily offended people who think that just because someone made a yaoi with rape in it people will connect it to reality. IT'S YAOI. It's straight-like guys doing the buttsex with other straight-like guys, because no one cares because we don't work with morals BECAUSE IT'S YAOI.

    it's not like it's my cup of tea, sometimes I find it pretty annoying, I do tend to avoid it myself sometimes, but when people say things like "oh no IT'S RAPE! NOT RAPE IN EROTIC FICTION, OH THE HORROR" then I just feel like the new generation of the fandom has betrayed the older ones and the mangaka they are supporting. And not just with rape but with anything unconventional that people tend to complain about.
    ok sorry for the rant this topic gets me fired up ( ̄∇ ̄") maybe I need a chill pill....

    LessThanThree February 16, 2017 2:56 am
    I don't think the same people who say you need to take a chill pill it's fiction also say that an annoying girl needs to die because she's cockblocking a character. In addition, yaoi is wet dream fantasy materi... KattCleo

    I think it depends. I wouldn't read "My Boss Is a Tyrant" because I know it starts off with rape and that's something that I wouldn't like. I'm not going to bother writing about how it makes me mad that he drugged and raped someone and that therefore it is a terrible story (not saying it is; hopefully you know what I mean). On the other hand, if I'm reading something like Killing Stalking and I enjoy the story, if I say that Sangwoo is a fucking piece of shit for being a rapist (among other things, lol), then that's another thing. Also applies to whether or not rape plays a role in the story. I mean, if it's poorly executed I might mention it, but otherwise no. If it plays a huge role in the story, yeah I might bitch about it because I feel it's something the author is welcoming us to bitch about, lol.
    I mean, I definitely don't complain about it anymore since I've realized it's a norm and that my bitching will accomplish nothing (lol), but if someone says "that's rape" and I agree then I'll back them up if someone disagrees. Idk why. Boredom, lol.

    KattCleo February 16, 2017 11:24 pm
    TLDRTEPBIRPOII think it depends. I wouldn't read "My Boss Is a Tyrant" because I know it starts off with rape and that's something that I wouldn't like. I'm not going to bother writing about how it makes me mad... LessThanThree

    lol I think it's more than fine if someone bitches about characters but many people express themselves in a way when they don't like something these days that I feel criticize the author's/artist's choices and in that way betray the unashamed and unabashed attitude yaoi culture started with. I bitch about shit myself of course hahah, I just don't take it personal or anything.

    Also I do have a personal feeling about this because I coincidentally have a rape fetish irl (among other kinky preferences) so when people say fiction with rape is wrong and sick it hits me at the wrong nerves. oh well, boredom, lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    LessThanThree February 16, 2017 11:31 pm
    lol I think it's more than fine if someone bitches about characters but many people express themselves in a way when they don't like something these days that I feel criticize the author's/artist's choices and ... KattCleo

    In that case I can definitely see why it would bother you. Rape IS wrong, and I know you know that. Having a rape fantasies and getting raped or going out and raping someone are very different. You know that. So I guess you just have to remember that they're condemning the act and not you. I'm sorry, that must be hard. Some people just have different preferences. So long as it's all healthy and consensual then in the next it's fine. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. Sexuality is such a broad spectrum, and we can't help what we're attracted to. In some cases the object of our attraction is bad, in which case we just have to resist those urges (necrophilia, pedophilia, beastiality, etc.)

marry April 17, 2016 6:34 am

can someone please recommend a manga with a strong female lead and preferable with character growth

marry August 1, 2015 5:57 am

I am looking for a manga that includes a one shot about a couple who met when the uke was a prostitute and was gang rape, the uke does not know that his lover was one of the guy who raped him. Due to the rape the uke turned into a complete masochist. Can you guys please help me find it?

marry July 28, 2015 4:07 am

I am looking for a manga that includes a one shot about a couple who met when the uke was a prostitute and was gang rape, the uke does not know that his lover was one of the guy who raped him. Due to the rape the uke turned into a complete masochist. Can you guys please help me find it?

marry April 9, 2015 8:26 pm

I recently wrote and published a short fantasy story titled, Journey to self-destruction, the story is told from Lucifer's prospective about how he became known as Satan and how he killed God. The story focuses on what made Lucifer desire God's death and the result of his actions. Please check it out. it is available on amazon and barnes and noble

The death of Adam and Eve did not just affect their descendent and God, it also affected Lucifer. With the link to purity broken, the descendants could now choose between good and evil and so could Lucifer. God give him a choice, he had to choose either to be with the humans or the angels. The angels were inherently good but the humans were not. Lucifer choose to be with the humans, he thought them more beautiful, even more so with the link broken. They were free to desire as they pleased, to act as they pleased. God warned Lucifer against his choice but Lucifer did not change his mind. He was excited to see how things would play out. He wanted to see how the change would affect the humans, if he was in Heaven with the other angels he would not be allow to see those changes.

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