i get the feeling that she died but did he die with her the next day after calling her father, i mean that is the only way they could live happy ever after in their ice castle? why couldn't they have lived- there was so many way that the story could be twisted so they could live. the father was saying that her heart was frozen when she was six- it could be that meeting him again and falling in love again unfrozen her heart its not like the father would have rejected him if he knew that he was the key to his daughter living

i just read (really just looked at the art since i can't read japanese) ch. 216 raw and the strongest emotion i felt is tired so i am just wondering of i am the only one who feels this way. I am tired of her strong reaction towards Sho. I understand that he did her wrong and she hates him but come on, it just seems like she should be over it by now or at least over him. Like Sho and everybody else in the manga believes, by her still hating him to the extent of madness he still controls her heart which just sucks for her because if he still controls her heart she can never really let go of the past and move on towards Ren. Am i the only one who feels and think this way. At the beginning i was really happy she reacted that way towards Sho as i am sick of girls in manga always forgiving the guys so easily but now it just seems tiresome. I have always been a believer that if you really hate someone the best thing you can do is let them know they have no effect on you- that shows them they have no power over you or your heart. I am not saying that she should forgive him or anything because what he did and continue to do is fucked up but she should stop giving him so much power over her

I understand what you mean, but if im bean honest, my reaction every time Shoutarou is in a chapter is anger, I have nothing to do with it but I still can't forgive him, and to us has been over 10 years to Kyoko a little over a year, but I agree with you on the never let the other people know how much they afect you(fake it until you make it) I do wish she could treat him with cold indiference, that will kill him, but knowing Kyoko is another 10 years to go.

I feel the same way. It's just getting really old. As horrible as he was its being exaggerated now and its making her look like a big sore loser. It doesn't make her look strong and cool anymore. She looks like a sour grapes bitter ex-girlfriend.

Ok I just saw them for myself. I'm disappointed. He looked so chill and she looked so agitated and if I'm brutally honest stupid. I'm tired of her acting like this.

no you are right. it is very tiresome. i mean i dont want to lower what he did. it was really mean and awefull but honestly she is overreacting. its not like he raped her or hit her or something like this. she new he was a playboy flirting with everything that wasnt fast enough to climb a tree. well i understand that she feels betrayed after thinkig he choosed her but really she should have known. for how good she seems to know everything about him how could she not understand this? and i think that in the end her feelings for him werent never of love. more like a crush. but then i get the feeling this overreacting and fighting is just the new art of their relationship. there were moments i thought they get along pretty well even tough it seems like fighting. but i really hope they come to the point where kyoko just dosent care and ignores him. that would be the most awesome and evective revenge ever. imagine him turning to that statue after discovering kyoko loves ren and she simple and smiling refuses to make her promise true to become his maid with the words why should she take so a silly promise that seriously. wahahaha he would cry of frustration

I doubt she thought she went with him to Tokyo to be his girlfriend, that wasn't what she was mad about. Pretend you have one friend growing up, that means the world to you. You over hear them telling someone else that you don't matter to him,that means he has zero friendship (let alone love) feels for you, you are only his slave. I am sure I would be violent and throwing things at him also, every time I see him. He KNEW she had no one else . . . and always turned a blind eye to the bullying (though he knew it was going on). I don't want her to walk away from her revenge, I want her to shove everything good that's happened to her, in his face. I may want more revenge after that, so stay tuned!!

the only memory i have of my baby tooth is not a very happy one. My tooth was shacking- ready to come out but it just wouldn't fall out by itself. I was very annoyed as it was making eating very hard. I asked my brothers and sister to help me pull it out, they grabbed a string and wrapped it around the base of the tooth and pulled as hard as they can. I remember there was blood coming out of my mouth and it hurting like a bitch

My first baby tooth was punched out by my brother. I was five, it was loose (not ready to come out lose, but loose.), and there was a lot of blood after it was knocked out. It hurt.

My first lose of baby tooth was in grade 1 but i was one of thr late kids
so when my front tooth was lose i wiggled it like everyday and it popped out
i was really happy

how can anyone treat a baby like that? if he forgives her and continue to be in love with her after the way she treated his treated baby, i will hate him even more and sadly i would also have to give up on this manga since i hate the mother (it seems like she is falling in love with her babies daddy simply because he showed her some fake kindness after all his mistreatment of her) ok as i am writing this i am beginning to realized that i am being too harsh to her, if i was in her shoes and felt the way she felt about family i might do the same as her- i still dislike her because i am tired of reading manga where girls falls for an asshole after he shows her a little bit of kindness (it would be different if they liked the asshole type but since they typically like the nice guy type it is annoying to read) now that i think about it i hate almost all the characters in this manga, the only one that i like is the grandfather nobody else seems to have any redeeming characteristic well maybe the babies mother since she seems to truly want her baby to grow up with both his mother and father - so why am i reading this manga again, after reading lots of this authors work i already have an idea how this is going to end but yet i continue reading

Read on,you will be satisfied in the end.
I also dislike her but as I went on with the raws,she's getting to be much likable soon as it progressed. She loves him and doesn't falter even though he's in love with that brush-hair bitch. There's more obstacles soon and that bitch is really a bitch.... Daddy slowly falls for mummy too. Ok,I can't say too much here,I'm waiting for the translation on the rest of the chapters.
There's loving moments for them both and of course,the blond hair guy is in love with her too. Somehow,I rather skip Hwang Mi Ri's mangas because her art is stiff but since I started it when she began,I decided to finish this.

I have been wondering this while reading this manga, which one is Kuon's true personality- his father describes him as being smart, cute daddy's little boy, Kyoko thinks of him as a fairy, another worldly but it must be a good thing since she as so much fond memories of him and Ren thinks of him as a sadist. Obviously there was a time when Kuon was as his father describe since Ren felt that Kyoko played him correctly so when did he change to the point that Ren fears becoming him again

I think that Kuon became Ren when his best friend died. His vow to avoid violence with others, and his way of smiling instead of being angry suggests that he is ashamed of his previous behaviour.
Kuon aged ten was how Kyoko played Kuon, but since then he grew up. Also, his father obviously thinks the world of him, so of course he uses the words cute and such.
I think that both Ren and Kuon are the same person, but he likes Ren and hates Kuon.

Ren is a persona Kuon created, so that is kind of acting and kuon that his father described is pro-teenage years. and kuon that Kyoko think is another act of Kuon because he wanted her to believe him as a fairy [prince. At last kuon that is so scary is the dark side of kuon, which everyone has. Its just kuon's reason to hold that dark side was broken (he was often compared by industry people with his parents even though he loves his parents, he was bullied because he was half or should I say quarter, so he didn't feel he belonged any where, plus his parents were very busy to support and by the time they realised it was too late) We all go through similar kind of situation but we are able to hold back because that something is not broken. SO, kuon is like most human beings, loves his parents, is very kind, loves acting but he has probably some physiological problem due to bulling trauma he suffered, so to protect himself he turned violent and later to protect himself he turned to become ten.

you could say that kuon/ren's real personality is the one he carries in his head. Neither sickenly sweet, like "Tsuruga Ren" is, nor the dark and troubled and yes, sadistic personality of his teenage years, "Kuon".
His real personality, is the one we see, which is somewhere in between. Sweet, forgiving, troubled, a little sadistic, serious about his work, light-hearted in his play, nature loving, strangely un-arrogant despite his good looks, and a bit of a dork sometimes.

Ren made his own vertion/characterization of "Katsuki", the protagonist of Dark Moon, inspired by his own truth feelings and personality. His real self is Kuon, but I think even if Tsuruga Ren is a character, as the readers, we know his thoughts and can see the real him behind the mask. He is: smart, passionate, sweet, vital, talented, generous, playful, pessimistic, observant, wary, strict, meticulous, workaholic, sensitive, resentful, independent, tends to feel guilty, extremelly reserved, cunning, athletic, sensual, he's confident about his acting but insecure about everything else, he lies a lot to hide his feelings and doesn't know how to accept help, he loves nature and animals, he has a childish side and a sneaky humor. In a few words: he's a very complex, interesting, and tormented man.
i have read ch.14 twice now and they are just too cute and sexy. The entire story so far is really really good. i am loving it. thank you so much mangaka and editors and translators