They better do some fan service and give us more chapters just full of lovey dovey stuff!!!! This is just the start of the good times!!!!! Riiight???????????????? I think?!!!!!!! Pleaaaseee sensei!!!!!
PS thankssss sooo much uploader-san
Their relationship progress is jussssttt soooooooo cute and satisfying despite being such a slooooooooow burn!!!!

I read this because the comments got me curious. I usually don't like characters who make their other half mesirable through jealousy (whether it be intentional or not). Or when the uke or seme sleeps around (whether it's a natural predisposition or because of a job) despite the established relationship between the MCs. It's just selfish and irresponsible and cruel. But there are certain stories where I could appreciate the story.
For this one, the jealousy part was already taken out of the equation because the seme understood that it was uke's job. And there was also the fact that they started off badly. Their pairing was sudden and forced. So their was basically no room to develop feelings. It was only later on when they "dated" that slowly the seme realized he actually had feelings for him. While the uke had a harder time realizing his feelings because of his own prejudice against love and relationships. Which is understandable and which makes this story easier to like than other stories with the same plot. Plus, he did quit when he realized it and he was mentally suffering during the time when he broke it off with the seme. And, he did apologized and made sure to make it up with the seme. So, it was happily ever after.
PS the s*x scenes were not fun to read, def not my cuppa tea

Thanks ooo much for the update
But seriously! I don't really like bittersweet endings!!!! I'm really weak and it just hurtsssss that I won't be reading a lovey dovey ending where they live happily ever after together forever in the same house and not thousands of miles apart, but this was one great effing story full of feels and I love it!
I mean, I'd love to have more lovey dovey moments between the two MC but I guess it'll ruin the overall mood of the story. This was def not fluffy. I would agree that there is psychological element to this. And this was close to real life situation. From the way the parents would avoid a taboo topic being discussed with their children to spare them from being "corrupted", to internalized homophobia and childhood trauma.
I wouldn't put this in my so called balanced stories where the struggles equals the happy ending because man, all those years of struggling within themselves was hard to read emotionally. Then you only get one chapter where everything was resolved. I mean, seriously! However, somehow, in this story, the ending was satisfying. And I think this is because the struggles the two of them had, especially Shiina, were understandable on some level. Like, you knew he was blind in his ways and even if you wanted for him to be aware of what he was doing, there was no one in his life who could've shown him how. Until his boss inadvertently opened his eyes to his faults. And there was the uke who was so lost on how to deal with his feelings, he thought it was okay to have an affair with a married woman. Then there was also their stubbornness wherein they pushed each other away because they thought being in a relationship together would only make the other unhappy. It was really frustrating.
But! Towards the end, when everything was falling in right place, it was awesome. Like, everything makes sense kind of awesome. Things happened because something had made it so. The struggles they experienced was real and it lead them where they were. I wish most of these genre/type of stories were made this way.