honestly i was surprised when i saw so many people hating on the art style on here and on other sites as well because when i first started the series, i was honestly so in love with the whole atmosphere the author created. it’s like watching a noir movie unfold in film stills. the art style isn’t as clean cut and sleek as in other series but it works so much for this type of story imo. the characters aren’t meant to be polished and perfect. they’re rough around the edges, flawed and conventionally masculine which works just perfectly with this kind of art style.
i personally love the author’s art and it kind of frustrates me to see so many people complain about it being bad or ugly when it’s literally not. i clearly remember reading the first chapter when it got published and being in awe with how cool the manhwa looks, how different it was from other series..
idk man we’re all in the same boat here, at the end of the day we just wanna see two dudes getting it on for free. so if you’re into yaoi because of the bishounen that’s great! go off!!! that’s totally valid! but trashing on art styles because it differs from what you’re usually used to is honestly not only annoying but also disrespectful as hell. don’t disrespect the work creators put into it just because it doesn’t match your own individual taste that you don’t even have to consume let alone pay for. it really can’t be that hard.