I would just get a fucking divorce if possible .. or just ran away
I can't take it anymore with the toxic relatives and that bitch
Don't worry guys there is an anime in the works ... Will be aired at 2025
So we will have our fill and not rushed like in the manga
Just date date date for real.. don't overthink Eugene
Jerry you rely on the system too much... Please believe on Ilya's feelings
Boss's pepper is exclusively for perverted shaman only
He the only legal pervert allowed to be with the boss
This manga is not shy in showing a male's baby bump
And I like it
I'm having withdrawal symptoms.... I'm craving for new chapters
LOL.. Hayaan your unhealthy obsession has some use now..
The brat bite more than he could chew..
I know that she is very attached with her previous parents but I don't like how cold she is to her present parents... They didn't do anything wrong.. is it their fault to love their child
LOL she died 4x regardless of not knowing who the father is... So why not find out this time around
The plot is all over the place
Wow the story is good!! And she knows how to ignore and humiliate her useless family.. LOL.. I'm sorry for.not reading this before cause I was not a fan of the artwork at first but wow oh wow I'm embarrassed at myself now
The young master should be taught some humility...
The king should die... He is as evil as that bitch..
LOL... Burn you ugly ass hag and Mama's boy.. die of envy.. and they should have sued them for defamation, so they learned not to mind others business