is this... meant to be romantic? cuz it's hitting real close to home for a lot of people and this kind of behavior ain't cute yall. the excessivel phone calls and texts, the constant need to know your every move, that's textbook for a terribly toxic partner. you can never tell with these stories whether they are condoning or condeming it. time will tell i guess

credit where credit is due, at least the man is honest. even though he is brutally blunt and kinda arrogant, at least he doesn't lie and toy with MC's feelings (yet) idk, he may prove to be a gigantic asshole in the future, but for now, he'd surpassed the below-ground bar other toxic semes have set in the past

Odd choice to change art style mid-story? I liked the grunginess of the lineart and the cool matte color scheme before. This doesn't look pleasing. They look like dolls that have been dipped in oil and airbrushed. idk

I just went back and looked at what it used to be. (Now I know jackshit about art and colors and drawing, but I still have eyes and opinions so) And it seems like the old art made very good use of shadows, while the new art overuses highlights. That's why everything looks weirdly shiny. When you put highlight on every surface of every frame, nothing is highlighted anymore. "If everyone's Super, then no one is" type situation.
1st of all, when the hell did they get engaged? imagine getting the news you're engaged to the love of your life through his fucking assistant ಠ╭╮ಠ
2nd of all, man's in rut, he's supposed to stab his thing into other people, not the other way around silly ( ° ʖ °)