After seeing Lee Sanho’s home life I think it makes sense that he yells so much.
All four of the main characters personalities are written so differently it makes for a lot of extra drama, but also makes things interesting since they don’t just automatically have the same mindset.
Coming to terms with loving a best friend must be wild, especially with how different their personalities and upbringings are. Tak has done a lot to Sanho with little interest to how it was affecting him. And none of the friends seem very good at helping each other through their emotions. I feel like Sanho and Tak are that couple that argues a lot but somehow makes it a long time
I feel like their the type to act such as asshole with each other in public, but that’s just their quirk yk. Like their not to be touchy feely and say cute stuff with each other (let’s be honest, they’ll probably barf before calling each other sweetie), but silent support and act of service would be their love language.
I think it was pretty cute. I think the dad could have gone about it differently, but I think he meant well in sending him there. Clearly even on the island he is a hard worker, but it helps him to slow down. I also thought the teasing wasn’t too bad between them. The MC was frustrated and overwhelmed, but adjusted and changed his views. I don’t think he seemed childish. I also like the art.
Well i think that was the point of sending him there at the island, for him to relax a bit and not really work hard as much as in the city. Because you can see the grandma said to MC that his father sent him their to work less.