Hani created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I thought the baby had a name already?

Hani created a topic of Beyond Memories

For those who read the novel, are we almost there to the angst part? Or we are still at the tip of the iceberg?

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

Side stories will be up next yr. As per author twt

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

EH saw thru the scheming of TJ the caring and selflessness . It was not the ideal love realization we got where the characters found out they like or love each other when they are lovey dovey and sweet to each other. Instead EH realized he like TJ when he lost everything and TJ thou not on the right way brought everything EH wants. TJ for the longest time does not know how to love properly. He too needed to lose everything just to realize what he really needed the most, EH affection.

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

Im not satisfied with the ending. I need book 2 where they punish the dad, EH and TJ building a family, EY growing up and the Dads whole own story too. I dont think my life will wait until next yr for side stories with maybe only 10 chapters max :((

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

If the final chapter is next week will the author even tell us if EH father will be captured? Will we ever see again Euiyoung? How bout Woonyoungs engagement? And the story of Taejus fatherssssss!!!!

Hani created a topic of Dash

Before I start reading the novel. Pls if anyone if not a spoiler this is. Is Jiheon an Alpha?

Hani created a topic of Macguffin

Everybody wants to see a loving family at the end. To me I was satisfied. Its an open ended finally we dont know Sooha has not bonded with the child for a few years and he is battling with mental issues. Haewon has not develop yet paternal skills since he was more busy taking care of their relationship first. How can parents love a child if both of them are not emotionally and mentally stable. Its up now to a reader if they want to see further from the ending. Thou hoping for side stories of family bonding.

Hani created a topic of When The Yakuza Falls Inlove

Too many characters now. Cant even memorize Daikis men, now with Min Joons side I am mixing them up. I can only ever recognize Kenta hahaha

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

Everybody is saying about Euihyun could be bloated or still pregnant. The Dr. clearly said he had miscarriage but this is a manhwa, a fiction, anything is possible, EH could have vanishing twin syndrome. But aside from that I applaud the resilience of EH with his trauma and suffering I can understand Taeju as a human I too cant handle what happened to EH and would cut myself from my lover if I know I was the sole reason he is unhappy.

What is the name of the uploader or where to find the translators works

Hani created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

Its not enough, give me more of this….

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

Did the author actually twt they will end the manhua this season? No more s4?

Hani created a topic of Surge Looking For You
Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

Who was this Taeyeon which was mentioned by Wooyoungs mom?

I think Therdeo knew that if Perry will disappear or something happen the Princess is surely involved. From the panels which shown all the dead bodies I think he had a killing spree.

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

TJ feels ok since all of that adrenaline rush keeps his body on 100% capacity plus his an alpha so he can say he is ok. But once he’s body relaxes during surgery it will reset and could be in a 50/50 situation.

Hani created a topic of Dear Benjamin 1.5

Is it possible to delete all the previous chapters so to stop all the comparing? I mean we all wanted to continue the story but it seems everyone just wants the old art style.

Hani created a topic of Waterside Night

What chapter was taejus parents story again? Thanks

Hani created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast

Where can I buy this story? I just want to know if Coro will get back Yurito in c64 or in c150?