It’s on l*ezhin! You can download the lez*in plus app from web on android or read on the website! You get 1 coin (3 per week) every alternative day which can be used to buy chapters!
It’s on l*ezhin! You can download the lez*in plus app from web on android or read on the website! You get 1 coin (3 per week) every alternative day which can be used to buy chapters! hikksboson
I never get offered coins how do you get them. What am I doing wrong to get the one coin every other day?
Log in on monday, Wednesday and Friday to get 1 coin per day so 3 coins at the end of the week. It works, I purchased chapter 32 a few days ago Fuchiha
Thanks for this! I just created an account there and this info is useful!
It’s on l*ezhin! You can download the lez*in plus app from web on android or read on the website! You get 1 coin (3 per week) every alternative day which can be used to buy chapters! hikksboson
I can't create a lezhin account.. Why is that? I try multiple times, but it never work.. :(