Why are people calling Tsugumi ugly? Honestly, at first, I never noticed he didn't have eyebrows but I like that cause he looks super badass. Also, why are people saying they rather have one of the characters be weak rather than strong? I Understand people have different opinions but I honestly love when one of the characters is strong and can defend themselves without needing help. I think it's super cool and that makes you like them more. No offense to anyone this is just my opinion:)
Bro, I remember reading this a long ass time ago and I was going back to old stories I read and saw this, and bro…this is weird asf. Like, just re-read to see why I added it to my already read list, and wtf, bro is getting horny over a legit child, and like the scene where they kiss?!? Some sick shit bro
Meant to say “Ain't no way” but I'm dumb asf