nah this is classic red flag guy behavior, acts all interested, takes him on a date, buys him clothes, kisses him, shows jelousy over some friend, only to tell him right after having sex that he just wants to be fwb or something, its not like Danwoo just caught feelings out of the blue this guy actively worked for it lol
God this story needs to END already..
honestly, YES. I thought it was finished by the third couple, but Noooooooo it keeps going, but now I’m quite excited for the new arc
I lied, I’m not excited.
I wouldn’t mind more stories about the existing couples but I am not too excited about the kids. It feels like Boruto all over again lmao. The age gap is way too large for me to enjoy it. I normally don’t have anything against age gap but this feels a little forced given that he barely knew the teacher lmao. I don’t remember anything when I was around kindergarten age.
Oh, you are real for that, cause kindergartener and a baby, like no way, and honestly I think the same tooo!! The story doesn’t seem that exciting now that I look at it again, and I just can’t think of it as another story