LuluKillua September 3, 2017 3:47 pm

No no no NO YOU DON'T FCKING LEAVE YOUR BOYFRIEND BEHIND WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD AND THEN ' TIME HAS THE ABILITY TO HEAL WOUNDS '.... Bullsh*t I'd never ever forgive him? Can you imagine how sad he was all this time. All this wasted time... i cAn't

    Mameiha September 4, 2017 9:51 am

    When you turn 40 come back and read what you wrote. You'll get a kick out of it. I don't think you're wrong or anything because the likelihood is that you're under thirty... maybe even under 20, but there are some lessons that can only be learned through time and experience. This just happens to be one of them. I'm pushing 50 and this is a lesson I learned around 25 or 30. It takes a lot of time and energy to hold on to anger, pain and grudges. Once you hit thirty you start to realize that energy conservation is vital to happiness, and I'm not referring to ecology. Also, once you have had to beg for forgiveness, granting it to others is far easier. There are two things no human can get through life without doing... dying and fucking up royally.

    Best of luck to you in all that you do and I hope you are able to enjoy this comment as much as I did when you're my age.

LuluKillua September 2, 2017 5:18 pm

I hate threesomes. He can't actually love both. One of them will be sad. Otaku-kun back THE FCK OFF. They are happy. LET THEM BE. OK. THX. :)

    pepperspray December 5, 2017 6:22 am

    They could be in a polyamory relationship but I doubt that would happen :[

LuluKillua August 31, 2017 6:25 pm


    Karishma August 31, 2017 6:38 pm

    But i think he is in love with the bro

    LuluKillua August 31, 2017 8:33 pm
    But i think he is in love with the bro Karishma

    But his bro doesn't deserve him after all he has done like his brother needs to suffer a hard death. :)

    Sushi August 31, 2017 9:07 pm
    But i think he is in love with the bro Karishma

    i seriously hope not, but i wouldn't be surprised if he was

    Anonymous September 1, 2017 1:10 am

    His senpai is an asshole and now he regrets what he did because his secretary told him about the brother and like it was not enough with the attempt suicid, the finishing blow the father is struggling because of you. Fuck you senpai you are no help.

LuluKillua August 31, 2017 6:09 pm

His classmate that worried about him looks EXACTLY LIKE THE NEIGHBOUR!!! Just saying.

LuluKillua August 27, 2017 9:35 pm

Until the seme said he would go to a girl just because the uke doesn't want to fuck anymore like you can't pressure someone to fuck. If you love someone you have TO RESPECT HIS FEELINGS. WTF. THE LAST CHAPTER WAS SO UNNECESSARY.

    Passerby-san August 27, 2017 8:02 pm

    what about the date rape shit

    Anonymous August 30, 2017 2:53 pm

    u think he rly would have? that was all a lie... he said himself before that after he slept with some1 he rly liked everything else felt wrong.he was just tricking him into having another round =P

    bluecherry September 4, 2017 5:42 pm
    u think he rly would have? that was all a lie... he said himself before that after he slept with some1 he rly liked everything else felt wrong.he was just tricking him into having another round =P @Anonymous

    The uke is under the impression that he was actually doing it, so it wouldn't really matter whether he did or didn't. The uke felt pressured to have sex which is ridiculous...

    Passerby-san September 4, 2017 5:51 pm

    I think ya'll are forgetting that no one can consent when they're drunk... and this guy was so wasted he barely knew what was going on!

    likalaruku September 7, 2017 8:14 am

    That was supposed to be a bluff. He said earlier he was going to delete all the girl's numbers on his phone...Then again, he was lying through his teeth about not working in a host club. There should have been another volume where his BF made him quit hosting & get a real job.

    Jiyun September 7, 2017 8:24 am
    I think ya'll are forgetting that no one can consent when they're drunk... and this guy was so wasted he barely knew what was going on! Passerby-san

    This is a new age moral that did not exist before the 2000s & is not a shared belief in most countries in the world.

    Passerby-san September 7, 2017 8:32 pm
    This is a new age moral that did not exist before the 2000s & is not a shared belief in most countries in the world. @Jiyun

    I think fucking someone who is basically asleep is very obviously wrong.

    raindragon September 8, 2017 7:16 am

    this consent stuff is ridiculous. There could be no happier outcome than what came out of your "date rape" both people got something they'd wanted for years, and probably couldn't have managed to make happen without the drunk component. you need to think of the story as a whole. stop compartmentalizing it, and stop moralizing so much. Don't bring real life into it or you'll never enjoy any of these stories.

    Passerby-san September 8, 2017 5:19 pm
    this consent stuff is ridiculous. There could be no happier outcome than what came out of your "date rape" both people got something they'd wanted for years, and probably couldn't have managed to make happen... raindragon

    You're fucked up.

    Bishie March 6, 2018 3:14 am
    this consent stuff is ridiculous. There could be no happier outcome than what came out of your "date rape" both people got something they'd wanted for years, and probably couldn't have managed to make happen... raindragon

    You’re disgusting. Just because it’s a fictional story, does that make this okay? No, it doesn’t. Rape is still rape, and whether you’re ok with saying rape is ok in stories but not in real life, or changing your mind about this, that’s up to you. But just know this, rape is rape. Sure, they might’ve liked each other, but consent is needed before doing something like this. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been liking eachother for three days or three years, consent is always needed. Maybe you’re just a bit to thick headed t realize how disgusting rape is, and how even in fictional stories, sexualizing rape is still a shitty thing to do.

    SH47 March 6, 2018 3:38 am
    You’re disgusting. Just because it’s a fictional story, does that make this okay? No, it doesn’t. Rape is still rape, and whether you’re ok with saying rape is ok in stories but not in real life, or cha... Bishie

    She/He said, “Don't bring real life into it or you'll never enjoy any of these stories.” They aren’t saying that this is a good thing, but that this is a fictional world where nearly every yaoi manga has rape in it or some form of force. We all know that rape is wrong and unacceptable, regardless of what societal background you are from. However, in yaoi it’s considered the ‘norm’. It’s a read or not read. That’s my take on what this person was trying to get across :q

    raindragon March 6, 2018 3:42 am
    The uke is under the impression that he was actually doing it, so it wouldn't really matter whether he did or didn't. The uke felt pressured to have sex which is ridiculous... bluecherry

    I agree. Sun Woo Min actually did call a girl. Hae In heard her voice.

    raindragon March 6, 2018 3:45 am
    That was supposed to be a bluff. He said earlier he was going to delete all the girl's numbers on his phone...Then again, he was lying through his teeth about not working in a host club. There should have been ... likalaruku

    Woo Min was not working in a host club for crying out loud. He's a famous cram school teacher, not a host. no. you're wrong

    raindragon March 6, 2018 3:46 am
    This is a new age moral that did not exist before the 2000s & is not a shared belief in most countries in the world. @Jiyun


    raindragon March 6, 2018 3:47 am
    You're fucked up. Passerby-san

    it's been said....

    raindragon March 6, 2018 4:00 am
    You’re disgusting. Just because it’s a fictional story, does that make this okay? No, it doesn’t. Rape is still rape, and whether you’re ok with saying rape is ok in stories but not in real life, or cha... Bishie

    Four generations before you fought to keep society out of our bedrooms. You think you can think you can win this battle? We will fight you. You will never ram all these new little puritanical rules and laws down the throats of 4 generations still walking the planet. Think of the hard won battles of the gay rights movement, the feminist movement, the civil rights movement. Were you there? No. This idiotic bullshit comes from you having zero experience with real life. YOU disgust ME.

    raindragon March 6, 2018 4:09 am
    She/He said, “Don't bring real life into it or you'll never enjoy any of these stories.” They aren’t saying that this is a good thing, but that this is a fictional world where nearly every yaoi manga has ... SH47

    thank you SH47. you're right.

    What do you think of people who call others "disgusting" and "fucked up?" kind of rude for people spouting off about rules, I'd say. lol

    SH47 March 6, 2018 4:23 am
    thank you SH47. you're right. What do you think of people who call others "disgusting" and "fucked up?" kind of rude for people spouting off about rules, I'd say. lol raindragon

    I’d say “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” and read the whole story with rape if they are commenting. Everyone has their opinion, and, come on, we are all fucked up ;p But, don’t go commenting when we all know you read they rape story lol.

    Bishie March 6, 2018 12:46 pm
    Four generations before you fought to keep society out of our bedrooms. You think you can think you can win this battle? We will fight you. You will never ram all these new little puritanical rules and laws ... raindragon

    I’m going to say this, what are you even talking about? I was talking about rape and you just brought up so many things that don’t even belong in this argument. Just because I said that it’s wrong to sexualize rape, you’re all of a sudden saying that I’m also the type of person who tries to follow the rules too much and not having experience with “real life.” First of all, I think it’s awfully rude to assume someone doesn’t support gays ir feminist rights just because I said that it’s wrong to sexualize rape. And I get that you feel that rape is used in almost all fictional stories and in almost all yaoi, but is that still ok? Just because it’s in some yaoi and maybe that yaoi got popular or it wasn’t noticed upon, does that still make it ok? Does it even make it ok to use rape anywhere in a sexualized sense? Even authors like Harada mention rape in their stories, but they never sexualize it like other authors do. I think you’re trying to say that it’s the “norm” in yaoi and that it’s ok because it’s in yaoi. That’s the uttermost bullshit. So, just because it’s in a few things it’s ok now? That’s like me saying that it’s ok to be racist in America because a lot of other states and people do it too. No, it’s not ok, even if it’s used a lot.

    Plus, as a person of color and as a person that’s apart of the lgbtq+ community, it’s quite weird that you seem to have the right to assume that I don’t know what real life “is really like.” You don’t seem to understand the fact that maybe you don’t have the right to judge someone for what they say in the internet, and that goes for me as well. You say that I’ve never been in anything that makes me experience what “real life is like” when you also don’t know what I could be going through. You might think I’m someone who lives a very successful life or has a lot of privilege and doesn’t know about the “real world.” Maybe you should stop thinking about others and stereotyping them for just saying that your opinion might be offensive to a lot of people. I’m not going to stay here and say my whole life story, but I think you already get by now that I’m NOT someone who is too privileged or hasn’t experienced things. I’ve experienced so much shit in the time I’ve been alive with racism and poverty and you’re over here saying that I’m the type of person who doesn’t know what real life is? I know I’ve been writing for a long time but you need to understand that stereotyping others for just fighting back with you isn’t good, and you shouldn’t do that to others. This isn’t even about the rape things, I already talked about that before. It’s the fact that you tried to say things about me without knowing who I am as a person, and tried to say that you were disgusted at me. It may seem petty but I honestly i don’t even care at this point.

    //ok I am a little sorry for going all rant on you but I got really pissed.

    bluecherry March 7, 2018 2:28 am

    uuuf this went down quiet intensely.. But honestly raindragon aren’t you contradicting your own argument?? “Four generations of fighting to keep society out of the bedroom”.. I mean people who have been fighting for lgbtq rights have been at it for ages, but look, we’ve FINALLY legalized gay marriage. So yeah... there’s quite the chance they can “win this battle”

    raindragon March 8, 2018 1:10 am
    I’d say “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” and read the whole story with rape if they are commenting. Everyone has their opinion, and, come on, we are all fucked up ;p But, don’t go commenting w... SH47

    oh, I love a good rape story

    raindragon March 8, 2018 1:12 am
    Four generations before you fought to keep society out of our bedrooms. You think you can think you can win this battle? We will fight you. You will never ram all these new little puritanical rules and laws ... raindragon

    it's a good thing you're not in charge

    raindragon March 8, 2018 1:14 am
    I think ya'll are forgetting that no one can consent when they're drunk... and this guy was so wasted he barely knew what was going on! Passerby-san

    depends on how drunk you are whether or not you can consent

    raindragon March 11, 2018 6:00 am
    I’d say “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” and read the whole story with rape if they are commenting. Everyone has their opinion, and, come on, we are all fucked up ;p But, don’t go commenting w... SH47

    wherefore art thou saying such peculiar words? I love a good rape story. hehe

LuluKillua August 9, 2017 1:11 am

That blackhaired man to 100% gave the other one a blowjob. I can feel it just by looking at the first page.

LuluKillua August 9, 2017 1:04 am

I just love it. He's cute. She's cute. I'm happy for him.

LuluKillua August 8, 2017 11:56 pm

It's just tOO CUTE. IT HURTSSSS!!!! I need moreeeee!!!

LuluKillua August 8, 2017 10:56 pm

that Keisuke won't leave him. Please don't ever be gone when he comes back home. I have a bad feeling... Anyway I love this story and the characters so much. I relate to Natsuo so damn hard it hurts.

LuluKillua August 6, 2017 7:03 pm

LAUGHING SO HARD XD This is AWESOME!!! I really loved it. Highly recommending to EVERYBODY!

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