Thanks for your time and passion to translate this for us. I love this Manwa so much. And the memes. I actually took time to read the message for it to sink to my deepest part of my soul. We all went to rocky times of our lives that one word from someone made us want to stand and fight our demons. (▰˘◡˘▰) I felt it to my bones. Hope you are ok body and soul translator nim.

This is..The Second time that I read the lines I wanted to read. .and wished that all the raped uke's in my list yaoi Manga's that forget and forgive the Fuckers who raped them had say and stand there ground. But.. Sadly..nope! this is rare! So I will savor this refreshing uke and protect it from here.. In my bed.
Ps: I wanted a revenge! A BLOODY HELL revenge! In the next chap
Pps:Thanks for the translations team. Hope you're all well and healthy! .
Is there any real confrontations here or just running from the truth.
If I see someone I know change into a Satan... I would freak out not be playing friends with them. That would be the last thing I do.
Ah fei was being annoying running instead of asking the important things or atleast brave enough to face the truth.
The art is good but.. The story is all over the place.
I agree, I pretty much think that this manwha should have been called "the story about confusing the Mc and not telling him à thing until he's torture by mystical beings" and the story's pretty much done idk im just furious
Everybody could've saved more time and effort if they just told the Mc what was going on idk though just my opinion