If only keith have EQ and be considerate, he could be the most handsome daddy.
it didnt happen yet in raws. It hapoened in novel. But here's the raws link if ur interested. And the spoiler forum link.
Oh my sasha
have some respect for ppl who still haven't watched it
Why the hell are you even putting the spoiler here? Wrong manga
cause at the end of the chp there's the spoiler from the updater, but I mean, at least the updater put a spoiler warning
Well what has my sentence spoiled huh? Dude you already know, actually what was in latest episode even you didn't watch it, that's why comment was a spoiler to you, and why didn't you watched it, its already 4 days since it got release, its a famous show, so ppl gonna talk about it, its you fault you didn't saw it, in this 4 days you didn't get free time, even 25mins? (⌒▽⌒)