LMFAO the screech i made saying “OH ITS A GIRL YEEEES THANK GOD” after thinking that it was going to be a male professor bc of the cover. I legit was preparing myself for hurt but WOOOO
miss author is known for questionable plot, but i’m here to see it thru anyway, right of the bat it’s toxic already LMFAO BUT IM STAYING PLS EAT PLS EAT.

I sympathize with the dense-ness of eri, but holy hell, fuyuki getting a gf was the queue for her to realize her real feelings towards her, but no. Comphet is a bitch and a half, and she’s got it real bad.
girl I really can’t keep defending her anymore, she’s gonna wake up next to him in the middle of the night with her head in her hands, she’s nothing more than his wife. cba
The author’s Repertoire stares me dead in the eye yet im out here expecting for something different
It’s hot and all, but IO u needa run and find someone else who’s consensual