I love this manga. It's really good but I can't believe that 4 year old child knows about relationships, can relate things and draw conclusions ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I can believe that she speaks perfectly because my sister was speaking like crazy while she was 3 but something like complex thinking? Isn't it a little overboard?

Lol true, but there were a ton of things I understood as a 4/5 yr old myself, I just seriously suck at communication, like sometimes my mouth is broken, even now. I was also later than other kids to start speaking I believe, my mom said it was like I wasn't willing to fuck up and faltered. My earliest memory is my earliest memory because it shook me that an adult didn't understand how to be a proper educator, I will never forget it
Me in preschool:
Bully pushes me off the swing as I was singing, teacher saw us I think, and comes up to us (I believe she was somehow related to this school bully/her guardian or something) and she had the bully sit back on the swing so I could push her off as she had done to me.
My young thoughts: I don't want to do that ;-; anyway, she's a bully for some reason & I'd rather try to be her friend than participate in throwing fire to fire (the cycle never ends). Besides, yh there are some devil children out there that are unforgivable, but if you're supposed to be a guardian, obviously it's a vicious cycle going on and that's part of why the girl keeps acting like this. ughh
Me talks: I don't want to. ;-;
Teacher: (paraphrased) Don't be a pushover! You need to be able to stand up for yourself, or everyone is going to walk over you. If you don't do it, you're getting detention.
My young thoughts if I was capable of wording them: WTF You b*, I despise you the most, I hope this child manages to get somewhere better than being a bully one day, but don't take me not throwing fire to the fire as weakness. The child needs love and appropriate parenting that puts an end to stupid unhealthy cycles. ;-; My mom wouldn't understand if I claimed this happened though, and there wouldn't be a good explanation in her eyes.
Me responding to her threat of detention: *pushes bully off swing as tears roll down my face*, and I think: I am scum :((, if it wasn't because I believe she would give me detention for choosing not to harm another student, I would go against her. She's an idiot. I wouldn't be able to express myself well enough anyways.
-So yh, especially because of shit like this, I have always treated children to grannies as my equals, I don't give fabricated respect to anyone (like when you act extra polite to grandparents just bc they are older), bc adults are just children grown with more responsibilities & a lot of adults are stupid. Everyone gets the same level of respect from me regardless of age.
Oh my Raaa~ that's sounds so 18+