Idc if i get attacked. I'll say it
Korea's mainstream industry is toxic asf and got everyone manipulated
They got power cuz you give em power. Koreaboos
be sucking up to em like vacuums

I mean yeah- but every entertainment industry is toxic and manipulative. I don't get why people feel the need to group the whole country's mainstream industry as one. I mean there are different types to it like kpop, kdramas, or korean gamers/youtubers. Their all a part of the mainstream media but people group it all as one instead of pointing out certain things or groups that did something wrong. And for kpop for example, when one group does something toxic, why do people point out that the whole kpop industry is toxic? Wouldn't that be degrading all the other groups? ( sorry if this is long i have nothing else to do lol )

I'm not saying i don't see toxicity in it. I know that korea has unrealistic beauty standards but i wasn't talking abt that at all. I was just pointing out that when talking abt toxicity it's different in every category and you shouldn't group koreas mainstream industry into one and say their whole industry is toxic.

as I agree that they shouldn't specifically say that their whole industry is toxic but you can't deny when people think of Korea they're going to think of Kpop the same way when people think of Japan now they think of anime. These are large industries that both countries use as the face of it internationally. I'm not saying that's all that these countries are but to a large scale that's what got people to know of the other countries in the first place, "culturally". Before K-pop barely anyone really seemed to gaf ab korea outside of korea, coming from an actual korean. So yes the whole industry is not toxic but the face of it, what people think the industry solely is, being K-pop is toxic. Kpop culture is hella toxic

Yeah i agree. I wouldn't care at all if people were to talk abt kpop as a toxic community because it is, but thinking abt it as the whole korean mainstream media is kind of degrading to those communities. (Ofc no hate to the commenter, i was just trying to point it out. Other than referring to it as koreas whole mainstream culture i completely agree that kpop is extremely toxic)

Of course, this was wrong of me to generalize is very much but i felt that their representations and the reaction they incite is very unhealthy. I grew up with mostly korean media influence among my people because they thought there were similarities and i found it very unhealthy. There's this weird romanticization of koreans by people around the world and no, I'm not antagonizing koreans the media they put out is received and twisted very unhealthily and they keep doing so because it sells. Their beauty standards and such seem to grow because it sells and more. I'm not focusing on certain stars who do it for passion but just the general functioning of the whole industry and the reason of their measures to try not to die out.

I completelyyy agree. Korea's beauty standards are extremely unhealthy and bc of the kpop/kdrama industry's advertising of the beauty standards, its dangerous especially for children/teenagers who think the only way they can be pretty is to fit into the standards. And i think this goes for most asian countries honestly speaking

My BL omegaverse Novel is on WN!
Check it out! And Leave Reviews pls(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
Let the authors do their sweet emotional manipulation with their readers with classic phrases .
Don't be playing into their hands.
i saw an author saying us, illegal readers, being poor is not their fault and it kind hit me hard
Well that's true tho but I mean overpriced webtoons?? I guess that's not their fault too huh (⌒▽⌒)
lz keeps hiking their prices too
One of em said illegal readers don't have the right to follow or communicate with them??? Like???
Are you guys God now that you drew some schlongs