i saw your argument with fujoshi chan or whatever and reckon ur totally fine. they completely over reacted lol. its like the literal subreddit "arethestraightsok" or hating your gender because of one thing they did (jokingly) like a guy saying they hate men or a girl seeing a bunch of girls being rude to someone or something and saying they hate girls. ya know? also yeah like i said i call my homework homophobic and im not even really a homo... lol
oh yeah the one thing i do find bullshit is people thinking f***got is coming back in style but as a n word kinda thing. i die. please dont. if you call someone a f word around me. even if you are "one yourself"
wanna be friends?? (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

no i only use the f slur with my closest friends (honestly, its like 2 other people) bc we're all big homos BUT that was honestly the only thing i learned from the whole thread - that i basically shouldnt make jokes BT MY PROFILENLITERALLY CLARIFIED IT. ofc we can be friends but im hella inactive on here most of the time :>>>

as genius as dan can be, my fucking god he can be so stupid. also soft moment with the dog