I'm really struggling to remember this one, so my details may be off: big muscular guy, I think was a guard or a knight being horribly punished for having an affair with a married noblewoman (he was innocent), somehow is sent to the future (present day) and ends up being taken home by some nice guy. Both guys thought they were straight, but began lusting after each other and of course they did it. Both end up going back to the guard/knight's time. Obviously, evil sorcery and medieval politics are involved

Found it. Got the affair thing wrong. Noblewoman forced him to do it with her, or else she would accuse him of rape. Also before that he was rescued from being tied up and forced to have sex with village women because they wanted a child from him. Pretty messed up stuff, but the rest of what I remembered was right and his relationship with the present-day guy (who also has a nice body) is really adorable. Muscular guy is a knight, a greybeard and HUGE. It's called Liebling!

There's an evil bastard in it that does horrifying, gag-wothy things to good, but hapless other characters, so DEFINITELY not for everyone. I quit reading when my time demanded other things from me, so I lost track of it. I see it's now completed, Bara, yes. Plot-heavy, yes. Adorable main couple, YES. Sexual violence, unfortunately, yes, but central to the plot
I'm genuinely curious (obviously, I'm a cat with a death wish) - What is lowest rated manga/manhwa/manhua/webtoon (with MORE than 100 votes) that you've found on here? I found one that was 3.6, with 141 voting. Unsurprisingly, the title is "The Rapeman"
This one got 4 rating -
Here this one got in 6-
Wow this is pretty rare to find BL rated that low, now I kinda wonder what they are lol
Ahahaha just the other day I found one rated 4.0 with more than 600 votes. And the art was quite nice too. All because it was about cheating.
Cheating is one of the most risky tropes for a writer to use, they will get flogged and hated for it for sure.
If you're curious, it was this manga:
I wish there was a way to look up which one was the lowest with a lot votes. I wanted to see what was SO bad, everyone voted low on it. I had found this one (awful!), which was rated 3.7 with 310 votes- https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/my_friend_s_dad/
Then saw- https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_rapeman/ with an even lower rating. I have not read the last one. I'm just gonna take everyone's word for it that it's THAT BAD (⊙…⊙ )
People don't like cheating it has that that's why it got low rating I also don't like it