Just an FYI they have sex (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 after the in game hack fallout conflict ends. That's also when uke finds out jigu is earthstar. Just a warning this is one of those webtoons where the first time is awkward and somewhat played for laughs given the BDSM misunderstanding. here's the link to the webnovel with the url leading directly to the ch. the webtoon is caught up to. https://springofromance.com/chapter/tgmnd-97/

https://springofromance.com/chapter/tgmnd-112/ halfway through. they also have an in game wedding shortly after

I can't believe this is the same manhwaga that wrote my sweet semes in Bye Bye and Housekeepers. Wtf lol this seme is such a freaking lunatic jerk compared to the other ones. hoping that he gets nicer but still his attitude sours the relationship and makes it hard to like them together in the future.

lol every time I think "ok I'm not really into the story that much, we'll just leave it and skim the chapters when it finishes", then bam! I decide to look at it again and of course Uke gets all BPD and pulls away, Seme feels sad, then Uke is self loathing, Seme gets mad, and of course a fight ensues where either Uke or Seme straight up rapes the other. I'm waiting for that sex scene where they are actually legit loving and passionate. I'm starting to understand the appeal of sex develops into deeper relationship type plots now that i'm older.
Not sure if anyone posted this already but i didn't see it on the front page so i figured i'd post if for anyone who wants it.
thank u ive been looking for it
np! <3 glad it helped someone out.