Spacetato January 29, 2017 2:25 am


Spacetato January 27, 2017 5:34 pm

Protect him

Spacetato January 19, 2017 5:13 pm


Spacetato January 15, 2017 5:38 pm

All the dark backstories and twists ar seriously killing me. Buuuuuuuuut as much as I want a sweet romance with 0 manipulation and twisted events, I can't stop reading them.

    Haruhiko January 15, 2017 5:47 pm

    If you want that read Kokoro(kanda neko)

    Spacetato January 15, 2017 5:53 pm
    If you want that read Kokoro(kanda neko) Haruhiko

    Haha thanks. I have a massive list of manga that I consider very sweet, it's just that I've been hooked onto webtoons as of late, and some are sweet but all have something twisted in them.

Spacetato January 15, 2017 5:21 pm

Jinha really needs to stop being so rough and forceful, no one should have to get into a relationship with someone who has abusive tendencies lile that.

Spacetato January 15, 2017 5:05 pm

But if y'all still like Sangwoo after reading Chapter 15 I'm done with this goddamn world. This is not love. This is manipulation, abuse, and torture, with a big sprinkle of stockholm syndrome.

    baka-tan January 15, 2017 5:33 pm

    Ofc, keep in mind that it's fictional, but also that sangwoo had a pretty bad past as well which is the reason he ended up like that...So he's not to blame nor hated etc, but only pitiful.

    Anonymous January 15, 2017 5:43 pm
    Ofc, keep in mind that it's fictional, but also that sangwoo had a pretty bad past as well which is the reason he ended up like that...So he's not to blame nor hated etc, but only pitiful. baka-tan

    Hahahaha making excuses for sangwoo... how did the world end up like this??

    Dani January 15, 2017 5:47 pm
    Ofc, keep in mind that it's fictional, but also that sangwoo had a pretty bad past as well which is the reason he ended up like that...So he's not to blame nor hated etc, but only pitiful. baka-tan

    I acknowledge that Sangwoo's past has made him that way but I don't think that's a good excuse for his actions. Can't change the things of his past but his current actions are of his own free will. His past does not excuse the people he's killed or the harm he's caused Bum. I like Sangwoo as a character in the story but he's truely an asshole.

    Spacetato January 15, 2017 5:50 pm
    Ofc, keep in mind that it's fictional, but also that sangwoo had a pretty bad past as well which is the reason he ended up like that...So he's not to blame nor hated etc, but only pitiful. baka-tan

    Yeah ok, I have absolutely not pity for him. I was abused as a child, but I don't go murdering people. In fact, I learnt from my experiences and try to do the very opposite that my father did. Making sure I don't hurt a single person is my ultimate goal. Sure, PTSD affects him and me alike and definitely influences the kind of people we become, but Sangwoo is a psychopath with no empathy. I don't care if he's fictional. His personality, mentality, experiences and crimes are all real.

    SemeFujoshi January 15, 2017 6:23 pm
    Ofc, keep in mind that it's fictional, but also that sangwoo had a pretty bad past as well which is the reason he ended up like that...So he's not to blame nor hated etc, but only pitiful. baka-tan

    Your past does not excuse your present. Yoon Bum was abused by his uncle and molested in the army and bullied all his life. He became an obsessed stalker with low self esteem - but he never took out his anger by murdering and torturing others.

    Ninhursag January 15, 2017 7:01 pm
    Ofc, keep in mind that it's fictional, but also that sangwoo had a pretty bad past as well which is the reason he ended up like that...So he's not to blame nor hated etc, but only pitiful. baka-tan

    A lot of people get abused by their parents, beaten up, emotionally and physically abused. But very few turn out to be kidnappers, murderers and psychos. I recommend reading the second chapter to refreshen your memory, where he kills the poor girl in cool blood only after torturing her for some time.
    Just because this is also an yaoi, doesn't mean you should just forgive Sangwoo cause he's the "cute seme" or whatever. He's a mentally deranged monster, most likely is a sociopath as well, that lacks conscience. That's how he could kill so many people, just read the page where his washing machine is full of women's clothes, his former victims.
    He must have killed many women to have so many female clothes.
    I'm really afraid for the cop, he's my favorite character now. I'm rooting for him to stay alive and solve this case and make Sangwoo pay for what he's done.
    I dislike that Bum's has stockholm syndrome but I was really proud of him when he tried to escape.
    And for people that say "it's fiction, it's not real", it's not about something being real or not, it's about morals. And liking or even rooting for a remorseless killer that enjoys torturing his victims shows that you either really like that kinda disturbing shit cause "it's just fiction" or don't like that disturbing shit but what does it matter? As long as the seme is cute and hot, right?
    Now try to imagine if he were a middle aged fat man? Not so ready to defend him, eh?
    Please fujioshis, don't be blinded by every cute seme. There are cute semes that don't kill people, how about liking those?

    Ninhursag January 15, 2017 7:08 pm
    Ofc, keep in mind that it's fictional, but also that sangwoo had a pretty bad past as well which is the reason he ended up like that...So he's not to blame nor hated etc, but only pitiful. baka-tan

    A lot of people get abused by their parents, beaten up, emotionally and physically abused. But very few turn out to be kidnappers, murderers and psychos. I recommend reading the second chapter to refreshen your memory, where he kills the poor girl in cold blood only after torturing her for some time.
    Just because this is also an yaoi, doesn't mean you should just forgive Sangwoo cause he's the "cute seme" or whatever. He's a mentally deranged monster, most likely is a sociopath as well, that lacks conscience. That's how he could kill so many people, just read the page where his washing machine is full of women's clothes, his former victims.
    He must have killed many women to have so many female clothes.
    I'm really afraid for the cop, he's my favorite character now. I'm rooting for him to stay alive and solve this case and make Sangwoo pay for what he's done.
    I dislike that Bum's has stockholm syndrome but I was really proud of him when he tried to escape.
    And for people that say "it's fiction, it's not real", it's not about something being real or not, it's about morals. And liking or even rooting for a remorseless killer that enjoys torturing his victims shows that you either really like that kinda disturbing shit cause "it's just fiction" or don't like that disturbing shit but what does it matter? As long as the seme is cute and hot, right?
    Now try to imagine if he were a middle aged fat man? Not so ready to defend him, eh?
    Please fujioshis, don't be blinded by every cute seme. There are cute semes that don't kill people, how about liking those?

    Titan Annie January 15, 2017 7:21 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Crecentia

    It closely mimics real life cases. The only diff is he's fictionally hot. Which alarms other fans of what fans at "forgiving" in the name of "hotness". Don't use fiction as an excuse. Fact check what real life mindset of oneself that is allowing certain justifications

    Itzarit January 15, 2017 8:18 pm

    Ya guys are taking this WAY too seriously, it IS a psychological horror, after all. Its just meant to evoke the reaction of "oh wow this is fucked up". Whether somebody roots for the "good" or "bad" side, has really nothing to do with a person's morals or such... Personally, I like Sangwoo because he's just so..... Gone. He's so manipulative and deranged it's like he's the shell of a person just waiting to crumble... Its like an accident waiting to happen, I just cant stop looking at him lol

    baka-tan January 15, 2017 8:45 pm
    Ya guys are taking this WAY too seriously, it IS a psychological horror, after all. Its just meant to evoke the reaction of "oh wow this is fucked up". Whether somebody roots for the "good" or "bad" side, has r... Itzarit

    Oh god I love you. That was what I wanted to hear. And not some overly heated up reactions. You got me ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Anoni Grrl January 15, 2017 8:53 pm
    A lot of people get abused by their parents, beaten up, emotionally and physically abused. But very few turn out to be kidnappers, murderers and psychos. I recommend reading the second chapter to refreshen your... Ninhursag

    I completely agrees with you that a character's past explains but does not excuse his actions. My reading of the story is much like yours, and I am sure morals influence my reactions. But I disagree that people's attitudes of fantasies about fiction or different interpretations of fiction are necessarily related to real life morals.

    If we are talking about your take on the character, I'm with you 100%. If we are discussing whether the past excuses the present, I also agree. It does not. I blame Sangwoo for his acts (and Bum for his).

    But I think it''s okay for people to like, ship, or romanticize bad and immoral characters in fiction if they want to do so. And because it's fiction, it is okay to like a hot character more than an ugly one, if someone wants to. I know---it seems terrible unfair, but it is make believe.

    I think it would be rare for someone who is not asexual to never have had a fantasy about someone who is good looking that they would not have had about someone middle-aged and less physically fit.

    kurosaki January 15, 2017 8:57 pm

    I'm so confused. I don't understand how people can possibly see this as love.why do people want to excuse sangwoo's actions just because he's hot. People are trying to make his into a cliche yaoi manga when it's not

    Anoni Grrl January 15, 2017 9:22 pm
    I'm so confused. I don't understand how people can possibly see this as love.why do people want to excuse sangwoo's actions just because he's hot. People are trying to make his into a cliche yaoi manga when it'... kurosaki

    How can people can ship evil characters? Well, there are probably different reasons. Sangwoo isn't my personal type, but I do like evil characters such as Loki. A large part of it is that I think Loki is hot--and that the fictional evil he does makes him exciting to me, even though I know it's bad. So, sometimes, people can just like evil when it's just pretend.

    We all make the story into what we want it to be in our heads to some extent--more so if we create additional fantasies based on the story. It doesn't change what the story is for other people. We can all enjoy it in different ways.

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 1:27 am
    Ya guys are taking this WAY too seriously, it IS a psychological horror, after all. Its just meant to evoke the reaction of "oh wow this is fucked up". Whether somebody roots for the "good" or "bad" side, has r... Itzarit

    Ikr. I don't understand the overreaction and unproven fears that this reflects a readers real self and set of morals. There are plenty of popular bad characters that are loved in the fiction fandom (Dexter, Hannible, Darth Vader, Loki, etc. who are loved not because they are hot, but because of the complexity in their character that reflects a darker side of human nature. Characters that can evoke emotions in a reader and be interpreted in many different ways.

    It's very close minded and shallow to think Sangwoo is liked simply because he's hot. Some may like him for that but there are plenty others who like him for other reasons.

    kurosaki January 16, 2017 4:22 am
    Ikr. I don't understand the overreaction and unproven fears that this reflects a readers real self and set of morals. There are plenty of popular bad characters that are loved in the fiction fandom (Dexter, Han... @Anonymous

    What other reasons could ppl actually like him for lmao

    DouchebagMcEmo January 16, 2017 5:08 am

    I think the author purposely made his character to be disliked (hate is such a strong word boi) by the readers..and she/he did a great job! because me and tons of people don't like sangwoo.. I'd put him in jail if I could for sure, like all he's done is so wrong... though I do wonder how some ppl love him..but ppl is allowed to like whatever they want to.. so meh I don't really care abt them..

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 5:21 am
    What other reasons could ppl actually like him for lmao kurosaki

    Close minded much?

    Itzarit January 16, 2017 5:27 am

    Like a wise man once said, to love someone likeable is easy, the true challenge is in finding something to love in someone everybody else hates lmao
    I like Sangwoo because he's broken and mad, and only knows what he's doing half of the time, but he goes with it anyways lol Like, honestly? Sangwoo is who keeps this plot going, if we didnt have such a wicked character as him terrorizing poor Bum, this story wouldn't be half as interesting.

    SemeFujoshi January 16, 2017 8:57 am
    A lot of people get abused by their parents, beaten up, emotionally and physically abused. But very few turn out to be kidnappers, murderers and psychos. I recommend reading the second chapter to refreshen your... Ninhursag

    You're my hero.

    kurosaki January 16, 2017 3:37 pm
    Close minded much? @Anonymous

    oh no im not close minded. I was legit asking

    Ninhursag January 16, 2017 6:36 pm
    I completely agrees with you that a character's past explains but does not excuse his actions. My reading of the story is much like yours, and I am sure morals influence my reactions. But I disagree that people... Anoni Grrl

    You do have a point, I didn't try to censor anyone though, anybody can go ahead and have the most twisted fantasies if they want, as long as it's in their head and don't actually act on these fantasies. That doesn't mean I agree with them. I'm all for free speech and speaking your mind, that's why I spoke my mind that I don't like seeing fangirling over such a disturbed character, that's all.
    There are so many douche semes in yaois that fujioshi got used to them. Sangwoo is worse, he's a psycho, way worse than a common douche.
    Well, I've read over 300 yaois and I'm still not used to it. I try to stay as far away from douchy semes as possible (but if the story is good, I'm compelled to read it).
    I'm glad you agreed with my other points though. I like intelligent, reasonable discussions, and not "what did you say about mah fav seme you bitch?" type of comment.
    Since you were so articulate and resonable of course I liked your comment <3 Why isn't the option to like replies on mangago? *sobs*

    Ninhursag January 16, 2017 6:39 pm
    You're my hero. SemeFujoshi

    Awww, thank you <3 You made my day ^^

    Ninhursag January 16, 2017 6:57 pm
    Like a wise man once said, to love someone likeable is easy, the true challenge is in finding something to love in someone everybody else hates lmaoI like Sangwoo because he's broken and mad, and only knows wha... Itzarit

    " only knows what he's doing half of the time" he knows perfectly what he does ALL the time. Is he an amnesiac and I missed it? Or does he suffers from anterograde amnesia like in the movie Memento?
    I wanted you to give a solid argument, but sorry, that's just a poor made-up excuse.
    You could have went with "he had an abusive childhood" argument, that would have been better. But it was debunked anyway earlier by others (yours truly included).
    I understand you like crazy characters with twisted peronalities, I don't try to shame or censor you for it. But call a spade a spade, you like a character that tortured, mutilated, raped women for days in his basement. In the latest chapters it's hinted he even chocked his mother (possibly to death). He also intended to break Bum's feet so he'll never walk, but he didn't go all the way with it (thank kami). To say he "only knows what he's doing half of the time" is so far from the truth and it seems you consciously or unconsciously try to find any excuse for him to not seem like such a monster (but it's in vain).
    But hey, at least he's cute? amirite? (=・ω・=)

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 7:55 pm
    You do have a point, I didn't try to censor anyone though, anybody can go ahead and have the most twisted fantasies if they want, as long as it's in their head and don't actually act on these fantasies. That do... Ninhursag

    LOL. I often want to like comments too. I think often people are both attracted and repelled by parts of twisted stories. At least I am. I know when I read Gillian Flynn's books (e.g. Gone Girl) I tend to be oddly entranced by the most unlikable characters. There is a short story called "The Grown Up" that I wish had an entire series or comic book because the psycho characters are so fascinating (though completely immoral).

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 9:26 pm
    oh no im not close minded. I was legit asking kurosaki

    Haha my apologies then, your choice of emojis and lmao made me think you were being sarcastic. A few reasons as to why someone may like Sangwoo that is not related to his look:

    1) They're interested in the inner workings of a criminal and hence he appeals to them as a character. Shows that have achieved popularity because of this include criminal minds, Dexter, silence of the lamb, etc. Keep in mind being interested does not mean that they are attracted to criminals or are criminals themselves. Some people like characters that they can dissect and discuss, characters that show then a part of human mind that they don't quite comprehend.

    2) We know he's evil, but he's also unpredictable. He literally makes up the thrill and suspense tags that is a part of this story. He keeps the readers on their toes and coming back to see what he does next and that in itself can make many like him. Without him, there would not be much to this manhwa, at least not enough to help it achieve the popularity it has now.

    3) He isn't a cardboard cutout villain. Koogki could have made him a middle age, average looking man who is psychotic simply because he's crazy (much like the serial killer from the manhwa Bastard). She didn't though. She gave him a back story and made him visually appealing (personally I don't find him hot) to illicit some sort of empathy or feeling from the readers. She's basically messing with the readers mind much in the way Sangwoo is with Bum. Some might fall for it, others see right through it like the policeman. It just speaks to her talent as a writer.

    Too lazy to type out more but those are a few reasons that extend beyond "he's hot." Not everyone always likes the underdog or hero character. To each their own. No need to hate or be so dismissive about it.

Spacetato January 13, 2017 10:23 am

I was so confused halfway through so I read the whole thing again

    hansisch18 January 13, 2017 3:28 pm

    Same, this chapter was really confusing haha

Spacetato January 10, 2017 4:38 pm

I support the idea of a sadistic baker, but not a manipulative, psychophatic, sadistic baker. Nope, too many of those this season.

Spacetato January 10, 2017 5:02 am

I got warm feelings from this TTuTT

Spacetato January 5, 2017 8:28 am

Still waiting for Kojiro and Shiro to become a thing.

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