Kirino must be feeling some sort of emptiness because of the way things turned out for him. I feel so sad for him. I wish people would just let others be who they are. This things actually happen in real life which is just sad to think about.
Me too. I wanna know how Sangwoo will look at Bum after that Im not like my father incident. But the policeman is cool and handsome so Im not complaining XD.
Koogi (the creator of this fantastic literature) just announced that they will be on hiatus for a month. The next chapter (chapter 27) wiĺl be releasing on July 7. Sad but I hope Koogi is Ok.
After reading this manga it literally became a tier of awesome yaoi manga to me. If something is REALLY FUCKING GOOD i'll say it's on complex level (though i've yet to find something that can stand as equals with this... even with all the masterpieces out there.)
Is it completed now? (Extras aside) damn this is one of the cutest thing ever
Yes, Chapter 98 is the final chapter. There is one extra chapter thing then a side story but the main story this is the end
Dem I wanted to see more of them. Oh well all good things must come to an end i guess