Im inlove with this. Daaammmn this is good. And everyone is handsome. The king tho.....THE KING THO. OMG WHY IS HE SO HOT, HE BE HOTTER THAT THE HOTTEST STAR LIKE GEEZZZ
I love how relatable Mirae is. (I know Im ugly AF) I really like her character a lot.
Senpai looks and kinda acts exactly like Bakugo
And kohai like shinichi kudo
Ohhh my gahhd now I cannot unsee. He does look like him.
Ahhh shit i wanna be thought of as Bakugo. He hot As Fuck.
Just putting it out there, Heesu's dad is a total DILF.
1000000% agree sis.
Yaaasss and the teacher tooo. WTF HAHAH
I need an anime. Please God of Anime, turn this manga into an anime.
Heesu is so fucking cute. WTF man I wanna look like that while I eat.
Me to (☆▽☆)
This is so consistently cute and floooooooofffyyy my heart. Please dont let this end. I dont want this to end. I love themmm
Did they stop translating it or something? The japanese version just ended at chapter 82. I'm dying to see the ending.
Yes now get married and have kids already. This is so cuuute
imagine they get married and have kids. then the kid looks like her before the surgery lol
OMG didn't even thought about that. That would be hilarious lol
omfg im dying hahahahhahahahahahahahaha
Im a bit confused. Can someone please explain it to me. The latest chapter I mean. Thabks in advance
Eunho mistook Jaeha’s explanation as he was with Eunho only so he could be distracted from his pain.
Im inlove with this. Daaammmn this is good. And everyone is handsome. The king tho.....THE KING THO. OMG WHY IS HE SO HOT, HE BE HOTTER THAT THE HOTTEST STAR LIKE GEEZZZ