I have a theory that the guy he slept with in that bathroom was charcoal guys dad or something, and that’s why he hates him so much
I went on Twitter to see how the authors health is doing and saw there’s gonna be a story with Grayson and Dane?! Yes please
Deadass thought this was gonna be toxic and psychological and I’m so glad I was wrong
Just reread this before second 2 comes out and ngl, the ml may be pushy with new sexual ideas but he’s a consent king
Homeboy needs to stand up and get the fuck away from this piece of shit
Wait how does everyone know there’s gonna be no grape scenes?? I’m happy af about it but how??
Finally that fucking egg hatched let’s move on to the next plot pls
Doesn’t homeboy know he’s in a relationship?? And he’s still kissing him anyways??
I never want this story to stop uploading!! Shoutout to volume 7
Yk I was feeling a little sympathy for this couple and thinking positive… fuck the boss he’s a piece of shit and I hate him
Caesar I cant love you if you do crazy shit like this