But hear me out here, does it excuse him of neglecting his child? Almost to the point of being abusive? Because, ya know, abuse doesn't just mean the physical? Neglect is also a form of abuse. And I would understand his dislike, maybe even hate, of the Queen because her previous self might have acted or gave off the same vibe as the old Queen. But, there so many ways he could react without being physical. Because, small violence like that done because of some trauma can really escalate if not addressed properly and immediately. If this was some real life dark themed story, the father is in some serious trouble in becoming abusive and a real villain.
I mean, we all have our own traumas. We also have our own way of dealing with it. The problem arise when we don't face it properly because we end up hurting those people around us and ourselves.
Anyway, this is some real interesting shit and I'm excited for future developments.
2021-06-24 02:30 marked
2021-03-08 15:07 marked
Okay but....