MAN FUCK JENNETT she has been real annoying with this whole “im her sister” thing when she's not even claude's daughter and man FUCK CLAUDE'S BROTHER WHOSE NAME I CANT REMEMBER BECAUSE I HATE HIM TOO MUCH and it's long as shit. also fuck that white dog man bitch with the yellow eyes. fuck the entire alpheus household except the cute son. this is so stressful bye i can't handle this anymore this feels like naruto or some shit with this whole dadgotpoisonedbyhisfakedaughter arc LUCAS PLEASE YOU'RE SOOOO SEXY COME BACK AND SAVE EVERYONE OR EVEN ATHY PLEASE COME ON U CAN SAVE HIM PLEASE UR A MAGICAL PRINCESS WE KNOW U CAN DO IT also lili and redhead are the best alongside the two maids who would feed athy chocolate. I WANT TO SEE JENNETT NOT BEING A GULLIBLE THING FOR ONCE PLEASE and i want that white hair dog mf GONE. let his son take over the household !!!! please i am genuinely so stressed out and upset rn but i love this manhwa but i also hate it so much
that reporting at the end of every chapter... you're doing my boy nine DIRTY... he's so cute and adorable and protective and gentle and yall out here disliking him... #nineapologistsrise #nineisababe #iloveyounine hating on our boy nine is fan behaviour