Ehm.....??? Someone please fix this
Just to make sure... The real chapter we are on is chapter 10 and the others are wrong, right?
(bc at first I thought that she was the witch they are looking for)
My innocent baby, how did you get involved with that bastard? :(
Omg....! This is the worst thing EVER!!!!! Who the hell did come up up with something like THAT?!!!!
rating: 5 stars
Oh... My... God... What THE FUCK I am into???? Guys.... What the actual fuck is wrong with me?
Soon we going to have Christmas so.... PLEASE!!!! AT LEAST AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT GIVE US SEASON 2, I BEG YOU
My my... A beginner mistake. It's BOYfriend, my love Sol, B O Y F R I E N D
How could they accused him? Look at him! The innocent face, A one big sweet and dumb potato.
Ahhh....This is my therapy only one that could fill and heal my heart
I wish I could be mentally prepared like Moobin. I really needed it, but knowing how my brain works... That will never happened and plus my memories (like a goldfish) HECK NO
Awww, chibi babies (*ļ¼¾3ļ¼¾)/ļ½ā” *next slide* O H !!! MY HEAVEN! (ā_ā)! THIS wasn't good for my heart ā(āĀ āā¢āiiāā¢āĀ ā)ā