sleepy_sh created a topic of What You Wish For

Ehm.....??? Someone please fix this

Just to make sure... The real chapter we are on is chapter 10 and the others are wrong, right?
(bc at first I thought that she was the witch they are looking for)

sleepy_sh created a topic of Cottage Garden

Wait... It's giving me "Suger trap" vibe
I love it!!!!!!

sleepy_sh created a topic of Swallow You Whole

My innocent baby, how did you get involved with that bastard? :(

sleepy_sh created a topic of Yian's Binding

Omg....! This is the worst thing EVER!!!!! Who the hell did come up up with something like THAT?!!!!
rating: 5 stars

sleepy_sh created a topic of Yian's Binding

Oh... My... God... What THE FUCK I am into???? Guys.... What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

sleepy_sh created a topic of Nerd Project

Soon we going to have Christmas so.... PLEASE!!!! AT LEAST AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT GIVE US SEASON 2, I BEG YOU

sleepy_sh created a topic of Sugar Trap
sleepy_sh created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy


sleepy_sh created a topic of Gig of the Day

My sweet babyļ¼ˆ/TŠ”T)/

sleepy_sh created a topic of Swallow You Whole

Ahhhhhh, I knew it!!!! THE THIRD ONE IS CUTE XD

Hehehe, a belly full of soup

sleepy_sh created a topic of Don't Press the Button

My my... A beginner mistake. It's BOYfriend, my love Sol, B O Y F R I E N D

sleepy_sh created a topic of Lying Puppies Get Eaten

How could they accused him? Look at him! The innocent face, A one big sweet and dumb potato.

Ahhh....This is my therapy only one that could fill and heal my heart

I wish I could be mentally prepared like Moobin. I really needed it, but knowing how my brain works... That will never happened and plus my memories (like a goldfish) HECK NO

Awww, chibi babies (*ļ¼¾3ļ¼¾)/ļ½žā™” *next slide* O H !!! MY HEAVEN! (ā˜‰_ā˜‰)! THIS wasn't good for my heart ā„(ā„Ā ā„ā€¢ā„iiā„ā€¢ā„Ā ā„)ā„

sleepy_sh created a topic of Jinx

My healthy baby soon will get worst again

sleepy_sh created a topic of Sugar Trap

Ahhh!!!!! FINALLY!!!! YES! Thank you, been forEVER. Īµ=Īµ=(惎ā‰§āˆ‡ā‰¦)惎