Please, stop translating it. It HAS English releases on Lezhin. I know the waiting is too long but think of it as the author is on hiatus and u have to wait for new chapters, when the author will be back.
And if u can go support the author and buy the English chapters, it isn't that expensive, or go buy the RAWS on boomtoon... Don't use RAWS from illegal webs.. support the author. The author has to eat from something too... When u want to translate really buy the RAWS... U would not feel good too if u would not be able to eat for few days because of translations like this... which don't buy the raws.
I really understand that the waiting is tough, but be patient people and considerable of the author.
"Hyung, I think I'm going to die..." I did send them the correct one... they changed it but the bubble is still cutted :)) (even though I corrected it... U can read the correct one on mngdx)