I'm not really into feminine bottoms anymore but, this story looks promising, not to mention, I'm always a sucker for children haha. I'm only on the second chapter I believe(?), but it makes me wonder if they'll bring up the fact that some of the yakuza actually are mixed, being Korean and such! Which is actually an interesting fact if I'll say haha

Glad people can recognize the difference between something romantic and something that's not but at the same time... You guys know this is a a manhua right?? Like you shouldn't accept treatment like this in real life but this is a manhua??? This isn't real life and people are free to depict things like this in their comics if they'd like. If you don't like it, you gotta understand not everything is gonna be like America, and you can always drop manga that makes you uncomfortable. Just don't shit on people who enjoy this.

I wonder who look like a lunatic tho.
The person saying the author has lost their mind and hating on a fictional story... or me for reminding you that it’s just that. A fiction. And you and others nonstop complaining is ruining the mood for the rest of us who enjoy this story.
Furthermore if you don’t like it you’re welcome to stop reading. Nobody is forcing you. Yet ya all are there EVERY FREAKING CHAPTERS. For Christ sake. Let others enjoy whatever they want. It’s a fiction!

Horrible behavior...
Say the person who call others lunatic and so on because they oppose their opinion.
Say the person who insulted me first because I corrected them.
Say the person who said the author had lost their mind.
Yeeeah. I’m glad you got your reality right lmao.
If it wasn’t funny it would be sad.

@fantomyte girl, get a life. you're pathetic. it doesn't matter how much you try to twist your own words to excuse your obsessive psychotic stalker-like behavior, all your messages are littered throughout this comment section and can't be deleted by you so make of that what you will. lol
and i have no problem expressing my opinions so feel free to go through my topics and point out explicitly the one where you say i talked about this author. ah... that's right, you'll never find it because you made that up ( ̄∇ ̄")
anyways enough of you. you're boring and there are way better people to interact with on this site. buh-bye!
Look, if me and my sister shared an apartment and I had a girlfriend where we we're fucking, I would understand my sister wanting to kick me out lol like, damn the last thing you want to walk Into is a sibling fucking in your living room... I would say it's a manhwa and they could probably find an apartment fast but they brought up American medical bills so... I'm not sure how well these kiddos will do lol still, I'm glad the older brother isn't as big of an ass hat we thought!
America really is fucked up even in Manhwa, we can't escape it
I completely agree with this lmaoooo, my only thing is wouldn’t it be easier if one person moved? Rather than two? Taehwan should just be like aight I’m out. Unless he found the apartment first which I’m sure he did I guess it makes sense for him to stay. I just think it’d be easier than making two people move.
I mean true but yet again it is his apartment lol but yea get the f out if u finna wipe all yo fluids and shit on my couch that’s a no-no
I believe if I remember correctly, Teahwan owns the apartment so really it's his choice to kick them out lol. But yeah, it'd be a whole lot easier for him to move than for him to kick out two people
Lol yeah I take it back since I just decided to reread it and it says he pays 80% of the rent monthly soooo yeah he’s definitely staying lol.