2vdwcrva's experience ( All 0 )

2vdwcrva's answer ( All 1 )

about question
Same. But the reason no one’s ever shown interest in me is because I’m socially awkward. Maybe people find you unapproachable or don’t have much of an impression of you? That’s the problem in my case. It’s probably not your appearance, and if it is, it’s the way you present yourself rather than your actual features. I’m traditionally ......   reply
11 03,2021

2vdwcrva's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being an insomniac

I used to be such a chronic insomniac at some point, but it's improving rn. Or not, idk. I'm trying my best to fix my sleep schedule

1 hours
did coping with ocd

been working on it since i was 7!

1 hours
did ending friendships

they were always a shit person tbh but my limit was when they admitted to being a genuine pedo

3 hours