I hope they reincarnated somewhere they can be together and happy in their life. :'( Saddest, heart touching and nostalgic manga I have ever read.
fuck that father (biological) and that church father, I hope they rot in hell and die again and again in the most cruelest way. Fuck everyone that didn't let them have their happy ending. They deserved sm better. :-(

Yesss that's what you get for stealing someone else's sperm and without their consent having a baby from it. Great Grandpa is the best. Now I want to see how frustrated and dumbfounded the aunt will be when she knows it's YiYi's sperm and Rourou is the one who can name Big Head. *Evil laugh (✷‿✷)(☆▽☆)
Came to reread it but i don't think I can. I really hope they had their happy ending in another life. Everyone around them failed them. Oh how I wish I could give them a hug and tell them everything is alright. :-(