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Jechk created a topic of B-Class Guide

i cant believe how much i love this story. and i adore jaeho and jiyoon . bc the side stories are not yet uploaded, that news report is satisfying AF. i hope hell comes down for that trash and cheating ex, and the guiding chief. i was glad when jiyoon beat up that ex (another satisying moment).

i hope the guiding chief gets fired AND punished; how thats going to happen, idk. whatever his consequences may be, i hope the author portrays it IN DETAIL. not like just one sentence in passing.

esper chief needs to get promoted fr . like, imagine being in a management position where relationship dynamics between two people (espers and guides) is such a huge factor and just forcing things anyway. even in (real) normal world, good managers and leaders take into account relationship dynamics between their team members. it comes with the job. as much as u want to sanitize things into purely work, u cant. people are not robots. guidance chief must just be good at office politics to get to his position without realizing that truth.

i still dont understand the whole thing w the experiment tho. like, how does kim kamin? kaemin? anyway, that cheater ex... how does the experiment factor in him "abandoning" jaeho? also, how did it get continued like that when theres so much money being poured in it (as they said) but the results are always considered as fail?

oh! and i didnt understand the whole thing w the cheater ex still asking jaeho to imprint w him despite the failed experiment? so i couldnt really sympathize w jaeho's anger. i thought it was sus in the first place. he portrayed such confidence in his experiment outside, yet he was still asking to imprint???? when apparently it shouldnt matter anymore according to him bc the experiment was gonna be a success????

AND WHO'S PROVIDING UPDATES TO JIYOON ABT JAEHO'S MOVES. even knew the contents of what he met w the guiding chief and everything.

i need the side stories those are not side stories thise remaining chapters are still needed to close several plot points raised in the story